Inclement Weather

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Word count- 1706

I spot my father walking towards the area where they are holding Bellamy and try to sneak closer through the hole in the wall where I had been communicating with him. Peering through, I see Kane standing over Bellamy. "How long are you gonna keep me locked up in here?" Bellamy asks. My father looks down, his expression stern. "Until I'm confident you're no longer a threat to others. Let's continue. Now you said there were hundreds of Grounders attacking. 200, 300?"

Bellamy glances down, catching sight of me, but remains silent. "I didn't count," he replies. My father nods and presses further, "Why do you think they attacked? What provoked them?" Bellamy shakes his head, frustration apparent. "We were here. That was enough. We're wasting time. The others didn't just vanish into thin air. They were taken, and we need to go after them."

Kane presses further, "Search team is prepping to leave but not before we've gotten the intel we need from you." Bellamy pleads, "I need to be on that team, please." My father firmly denies his request, "That's out of the question. You're not trained. It's too dangerous."

Bellamy, undeterred, asserts, "Those are my people out there." My father crouches down beside him, trying to reason, "They're my people, too. You want to help them? Tell me what we're up against... Grounder tactics, their numbers, what kind of weapons they used."

Bellamy looks down and responds, "Arrows and spears, axes, swords, their teeth." Kane seems puzzled, "No guns? You had guns." Bellamy nods, "The guns we found at the aid depot leveled the playing field, and maybe, maybe if we'd had more bullets, we could have-" Kane interrupts, "There were more bullets. Search team just returned from the bunker. They found two more barrels full of rifles and a third filled with bullets."

Bellamy's face displays regret, "We should have looked harder." Suddenly, the door opens, and a guard along with Murphy walk in. Bellamy stands up, concern evident, "What's he doing here?" Major Byrne, another guard, addresses my dad, "Excuse me, sir. Dr. Griffin cleared Mr. Murphy out of medical." My father nods, instructing, "Put him over there."

As they cuff Murphy to a pillar, he smiles deviously, "Well, this should be fun." But just then, a gunshot rings out, and my father and the guards hurry away, responding to the sudden disturbance.

"Bell," I call out, catching his attention. "Yeah?" He looks over at me, and I take a moment to glance at Murphy before continuing, "Finn and I will figure this out, okay?" Bellamy nods, and I walk away, determined to find Finn and Raven. I see them in the medical tent. "Hey, Raven," I greet her. She looks at me, a hint of humor in her eyes, and says, "Guess our death bed confessions were for nothing." I chuckle, and Finn looks at us confused. "What?" he asks.

"Nothing," I assure him with a smile. Abby enters the tent, and I get to the point, "How are you feeling?" Raven replies with sarcasm, "Awesome." Finn adds, "She's lying." Abby glances down at Raven a downcast look on her face, "I know that face." Raven cuts to the chase, urging Abby, "Just spit it out, Abby." Abby takes a deep breath, "The bullet is still shifting. That's why you're in pain. I was hoping that it would stabilize by now."

Raven nods, "So how about you take it out?" Abby glances at Finn. She explains, "Raven, we need to talk about that. The bullet is pressing on your spine. If we leave it in, you'll live, but you'll never walk again." Raven remains resolute, "And take it out?" Abby meets Raven's gaze firmly, "The surgery could kill you. We have no equipment, we have no anesthesia." Unfazed, Raven says, "Will I walk again?"

Abby's reply is grim, "Maybe, but you'd be awake the whole time. You'd feel everything." Still, Raven is determined, "Sign me up." Finn, worried, intervenes, "Wait, Raven, you could die." Raven's resolve remains strong, "In Zero G I didn't need my legs. Down here, I do. Take it out." Abby accepts her decision and exits the tent briefly. I hold Raven's hand in support, telling her, "Hey, I've seen you do a lot of crazy shit, Raven, but this takes the cake." She nods, acknowledging the challenge. "I can do it," she assures us.

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