Unity day

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word count- 2049

 Max is in the show he just doesn't have a name so I named him.

The entire camp gathers around the radio, listening to Jaha's Unity Day remarks. His voice carries a mixture of nostalgia and hope. "My friends, this is a historic Unity Day. Every year, we mark the moment our ancestors of the twelve stations joined to form the Ark, but this is the last time we do so while aboard her. Next year, on the ground." Miller laughs annoyed, "Right. After we did all the work. Someone shut him up." Raven shoots back, not missing a beat, "You shut up, Miller. No one's forcing you to watch." I can't help but smile at her quick retort.

As Jaha continues speaking, my gaze drifts over to Clarke and Finn engrossed in conversation. There seems to be an exchange of emotions between them as Finn says something and Clarke looks down.

Suddenly, Jasper emerges from his tent, full of excitement, "Whoo! Yeah! Monty strikes again!" We all turn our attention to him, curious about his latest creation. Jasper presents a batch of liquid with enthusiasm, "Hey! Call this batch Unity Juice! Who's thirsty? Monty!" I join in on the cheerful mood and walk over to Monty, taking a cup, "There you go," he says with a wide smile, "Happy Unity Day."

As the joyful atmosphere continues, Jaha's voice draws us back to his concluding words, "To our sons and daughters on Earth listening to this message, we will see you soon. The first Exodus ship will launch in under sixty hours, carrying you the reinforcements that you need, so stay strong. Help is on the way." The hope of returning to Earth feels real for the first time, and we eagerly await the arrival of reinforcements to aid us in our new life on the ground.

"We have witnessed the true spirit of our people. But enough from me. You're all here for the pageant anyway, right?" Chancellor Jaha addresses the gathered crowd. "Without further ado, I present the story of us." A little girl steps forward, holding flags that symbolize the unity of the twelve space stations. "Long ago, when the Earth was ablaze, floating through space all alone. Then one day, Mir floated by Shenzhen, and they realized life would be better together. The other stations saw this, and they, too, yearned to unite. And so, when all the stations were formed, they called themselves..." The video abruptly cuts off, leaving everyone puzzled.

Raven looks at me, and I see her shrug in confusion. "Must be a technical glitch on their end," she suggests. I nod in agreement and decide to check on Clarke, who seems a bit distant. "You want a drink?" I offer. She declines, "Have fun, Y/n." I down the drink and walk away


Clarke stands in the corner, quietly observing the festivities. I'm in the middle of a game, a unique version of beer pong without the balls, when Bellamy approaches her. They exchange a few words, and then Clarke makes her way over to join us. "Got room for one more," she says with a hint of playfulness. I'm pleasantly surprised by her company. "Of course, Ma'lady," I respond, playfully bowing but ending up stumbling a bit. Clarke quickly catches me, showing concern. "Whoa, you okay?" she asks, her smile putting me at ease. "Yeah," I reply, trying to regain my composure as I stand up hastily. We resume our game, enjoying each other's company and the friendly competition.

"You're not gonna get this one," Clarke says, laughing playfully. "Yes, I am," Fox confidently responds, preparing her shot. "No, it's not happening," Clarke teases. To everyone's surprise, Fox skillfully sinks the shot, and the crowd erupts in cheers. Clarke grabs the cup and swiftly downs the drink, showing she can take it just as well as anyone else.

Max playfully teases Clarke, saying, "What do you know? Her highness can actually party. I like it." Clarke rolls her eyes in good humor and replies, "Well, I'm full of surprises. So, what are you gonna do when the guards come down and commandeer Monty's still?"

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