I am Become Death

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Word count- 3217

Amidst the wreckage, I walk, my heart heavy with worry about my father. I hope for any sign, any small indication that she might be okay or that he wasn't on this ship at all. My steps lead me to Clarke, but I don't even know what to say. She's squatting near some purple substance, but the stench forces her to back away. "GUYS, STOP!" Raven's voice echoes through the debris as she rushes over.

Clarke asks about the purple substance,  "Rocket fuel?" Raven nods, "Hydrazine... Highly unstable in its non-solid form. If this stuff meets fire, we're all pink mist." Raven demonstrates the danger by putting some on a rock and warning us, "Fire in the hole!" She hurls the rock into the fire, and it explodes into a long spire of fire. We all watch in awe and fear.

Bellamy takes charge, understanding the urgency of the situation, "We need to clear the area." He looks at all of us, "We move in formation, no straggling, weapons hot. We've got to get back before dark."

As we make our way back to camp, Derek informs us about Murphy's unexpected arrival. Bellamy's anger is evident as he demands to know where Murphy is. Miller leads us to the dropship where Murphy is huddled in the corner, looking worse for wear with a bloody face.

Derek explains, "He claims he was with the Grounders. We caught him trying to sneak back into camp." Connor chimes in, "Yeah, we didn't see any Grounders around." Murphy shakes his head, "I wasn't sneaking. I was running from the Grounders."

Bellamy narrows his eyes at Connor and Derek, instructing them, "Everyone but Connor and Derek out... Now!" They all comply, leaving only me in the room, unwilling to abandon the situation. Observing Murphy's condition, Bellamy appears ready to shoot him, but Finn intervenes, "Hey, what the hell is wrong with you?"

Bellamy pushes Finn away, his frustration apparent, "We were clear what would happen if he came back." Finn persists, trying to reason with Bellamy, "No. If he was with the Grounders, then he knows things that can help us." I look at Finn, silently agreeing with him, but Bellamy remains adamant, "Help us? We hung him. We banished him, and now we're gonna kill him."

He attempts to approach Murphy, but Finn firmly blocks his path, saying, "Get the hell out of my way." Clarke interposes herself between them, "No. Finn is right." Bellamy dismisses Finn's words, declaring, "Like hell he is. Clarke, think about Charlotte." Clarke responds with conviction, "I am thinking about her, but what happened to Charlotte was as much our fault as his. He's not lying." She shows him Murphy's hand, "His fingernails were torn off. They tortured him."

Finn glares at Bellamy, "You and the Grounders should compare notes." Bellamy rolls his eyes in response, "The Grounders know we're at war. What did you tell them about us?" Murphy, looking down, admits, "Everything."

Clarke turns to Bellamy, "Once he's better, we find out what he knows, and then he's out of here, okay?" Bellamy, still grappling with the situation, asks a tough question, "What if he refuses to leave? What do we do with him then?" I lower myself to the ground "Then we kill him," Clarke states matter-of-factly. The weight of her statement settles in, leaving us all in contemplative silence. "I'll take first watch," I add, breaking the silence. Confusion spreads across their faces, prompting Clarke to inquire, "What?" I clarify my reasoning, "If he's staying, someone needs to watch him." They exchange glances, finally nodding in agreement, acknowledging the necessity of vigilance.

As they all leave, I remain with Murphy in the dropship "You look like shit," I say. Murphy lets out a bitter laugh, the sound filled with pain and exhaustion. "Yeah, they didn't let me take a shower in between beatings," he retorts sarcastically. I roll my eyes at his bitterness. "Karma," I respond dryly, unable to muster much sympathy for him after all he had done."I'm sorry they hung you and that I didn't believe you" He looks down but says nothing.

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