Earth Skills

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Word count-2754

Finn swiftly gets us on our feet, and we start running, driven by urgency and fear. "Clarke! Come on!" Monty stumbles, and Octavia rushes to help him up, urging him forward, "Come on!"

Finn yells, "We've got to go! Octavia, Monty, get up!" As we glance down, our eyes widen in horror at the sight of human bones scattered around. Finn questions, "Who are they?" Clarke, picking up a misshapen skull, replies, "What are they?"

Octavia's voice trembles as she looks at Clarke, "We are so screwed." Suddenly, a distant scream pierces the air, and Clarke starts running, shouting, "Jasper! He's alive!"

Finn chases after her, and we all follow closely behind. He calls out, "Clarke, wait! Wait! Wait! Stay out of the trees." Panic grips us as we reach the spot where Jasper was, but he's gone. "He was right there," I say, dread seeping into my bones.

"No. Where is he?" Clarke's voice trembles with concern. She scans the clearing, "They took him." I look at her, baffled, "Who? Who took him?" Clarke's gaze is filled with worry, "I-I don't know."

We rush back to camp. "The rest need to know," I say, turning to Monty. He nods in agreement as we approach the campsite. However, our hope for a moment of relief is shattered when we hear cheering.

As we draw closer, we witness a tense scene - Wells holds a knife to Murphy's throat, and the atmosphere is charged with tension and uncertainty.

"Wells!" Clarke's voice rings out. He releases Murphy, and I walk over to him. "Wow, Murphy, you lost a fight to Wells," I tease, but before I know it, he lunges at me. I quickly back away, but Bellamy steps in, putting an end to the confrontation. "Enough, Murphy," Bellamy asserts.

Monty and Octavia arrive at the scene, and Bellamy rushes to his sister, asking if she's okay. She nods in response. Then Bellamy turns to Clarke and Finn, demanding, "Where's the food?" Finn takes a seat on a nearby log, "We didn't make it to Mount Weather."

Bellamy looks around at all of us, his frustration evident, "What the hell happened out there?" Clarke lets out a sigh, explaining, "We were attacked." Wells looks at Clarke in bewilderment, "Attacked? By what?" Monty interjects, "Not what. Who." Finn agrees, "It turns out, when the last man from the ground died on the Ark, he wasn't the last Grounder."

Clarke confirms, "It's true. Everything we thought we knew about the ground is wrong. There are people here, survivors. The good news is, that means we can survive. Radiation won't kill us." Finn adds, "Yeah, the bad news is the Grounders will."

Wells scans the group, seeking answers, "Where's the kid with the goggles?" His words ignite frustration in me, and I glare at him. "Jasper. His name is Jasper," I respond sharply. Clarke places a reassuring hand on my shoulder and says, "Jasper was hit. They took him."

Clarke directs her gaze towards Wells, her voice firm as she stares at his wrist, "Where is your wristband?" Wells, turns to Bellamy, "Ask him." Clarke doesn't back down, turning to Bellamy and demanding, "How many?"

Murphy, with a sly smile, chimes in, "Twenty-four and counting." I stare at him my mouth agape "You idiots!" I interject, unable to contain my frustration. Clarke steps forward "Life support on the Ark is failing. That's why they brought us down here. They need to know the ground is survivable again, and we need their help against whatever is out there. If you take off your wristbands, you're not just killing them. You're killing us!" My eyes sweep across the kids around us, hoping they'll understand the dire situation.

Bellamy scoffs at Clarke's plea, "We're stronger than you think. Don't listen to her. She's one of the privileged. If they come down, she'll have it good. How many of you can say the same? We can take care of ourselves. That wristband on your arm? It makes you a prisoner. We are not prisoners anymore! They say they'll forgive your crimes. I say you're not criminals! You're fighters, survivors! The Grounders should worry about us!" His passionate words rile up the prisoners, and they cheer in agreement.

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