Many Happy Returns

25 2 0

Word Count- 1830

Bellamy peers through his gun's scope, "Everyone, eyes peeled. We're in Grounder territory." We all run behind him trying to get to the 100 faster. Murphy rolls his eyes "Everything is Grounder territory, all right? I can't keep running, all right? We don't even know if the guy Finn killed was telling the truth." Finn steps up and pushes Murphy forward to keep moving, But Bellamy looks at Finn, "We can give him a minute."

"No, we can't. You heard what that Grounder said. They'll outlive their usefulness." Bellamy shakes his head "I heard what he said when you had a gun to his head." Finn shakes his head, "Look, you think I wanted to do that? He would have told his people we're coming, and by the time we got there, our people would be dead. Maybe that's something you can live with, but I can't!" Bellamy looks at him "Hey, you did what you think you had to do, but you are not yourself right now, and I can't be out here with another loose cannon!" I put my hand in between them "I may not agree with what Finn did, he's not wrong I will not let Cl- my friends die" Bellamy nods and we all start walking again, slower so everyone can keep up.

As we continue, we come across a haunting sight—bodies strewn on both sides of the road. The gruesome scene leaves us in shock. Bellamy takes charge, "Fall in." Finn looks around "Where the hell did they come from?", and Bellamy answers somberly, "From the Ark." We all stare at the carnage before us. Parts of the ark are thrown around us  "Rough landing", Murphy says. Bellamy shakes his head. "There's nothing we can do for these people." I nod. "I'll tell my father when we get back to camp."

As we start to walk away, a desperate voice cries out, catching Bellamy's attention. Sterling rushes back to the edge and peers down. "Hey. Hey, someone's down there." We all gaze into the abyss and see a girl clutching onto the rocks, pleading for help. Sterling recognizes her as "Mel?" concern etches his face. "She's my friend. We have to do something," he insists.

Mel's pleas echo in our ears, and Finn reiterates the urgency of our mission to find our friends, Bellamy looks at him "This isn't a Grounder, Finn. We have a rope." Finn points to her "You saw her. She'd never be able to hold on to it. We'd have to lower somebody down. It'll take time that we don't have. I hate this as much as you..." Bellamy nods I" know. I... I know. Ok, I know." I stare at them, I can't bear the thought of abandoning someone in need. "Are you crazy? We are not leaving her. That is a person asking for our help." I look at Finn. "I love Clarke, and we will find her, but we will not doom this person to die. Clarke wouldn't want that."

Sterling continues trying to comfort Mel, Finn says that we return for her later. But I refuse to leave her hanging. I turn to Bellamy "We're moving out," he says, but I glare at him, unwavering in my stance. "Guys—" Finn interrupts me, "3 seconds ago you wanted to leave as fast as possible too." But I shake my head, "That was different. I'm not leaving her to die on this cliff."

I turn around and see Sterling beginning to climb down to rescue Mel. Finn tries to stop him, "Wait! Sterling! Hey!" Mel's grip weakens, and panic sets in. "I can't hang on!" she cries. Murphy, looks down, "Well, it looks like we're taking that break after all, huh?" 

Sterling calls up to us, "I'm almost there! Once I have her, pull us up!" Murphy sneers. "Well, I'd say he's heard one too many of your motivational speeches." Bellamy glares at him, "Shut up, Murphy." Meanwhile, I can hear Sterling comforting Mel with soft words from below. Suddenly, a snapping sound fills the air, and I look down to find Sterling gone. Mel clings desperately to a tree branch on the side of the cliff. Bellamy shouts, "Sterling! Sterling! Mel! Mel, hold on. Focus on me. You can do this."

Mel shakes her head in distress, "No!" Bellamy remains determined, "Yes, you can. You're strong." Mel disagrees, "I'm not strong! Stubborn, maybe." Bellamy nods, glancing up at me before focusing on Mel again. "So be stubborn a little longer. I'm not gonna let you die, you hear me? Ok."

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