The 48

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word count- 2477

Bellamy is dead.  As I open my eyes, I find myself facing Raven, who wears a gentle smile. "Hey," she greets me. I try to sit up but wince in pain as I notice the deep cut on my side, which is bleeding profusely. "What the hell?" I exclaim, puzzled and concerned about the injury. Raven tries to lighten the mood, "At least my blood is still inside." She quickly corrects herself, "Sorry, bad joke." I glance around, "Where is everyone?" She sits up. "They're gone. I woke up and they were all gone." I close my eyes and slowly shift into sitting a few feet from Raven. My heart sinks as the reality sinks in—Bellamy is dead, and Clarke is missing.

Despair weighs heavily on my mind, and I shift a few feet toward Raven, feeling lost and uncertain of what the future holds. "We're going to die here, aren't we?" I murmur, voicing the fear that gnaws at my soul. Raven's response is somber, "Probably."

As we sit in silence, footsteps draw near, and my senses heighten. Raven motions for me to play dead, and I comply, trying to remain as still as possible. A gunshot echoes through the air, and I see the lifeless body of the grounder who had ventured into the dropship. More footsteps are behind him and my heart races, and I prepare myself for the worst. But to my surprise, it's Murphy who appears before us, limping and battered.

Instinctively, I recoil, groaning from the pain in my side. "W- whoa! It's okay. It's okay, Raven, don't. Don't shoot. Please," Murphy pleads, trying to calm the tense situation. Raven aims her gun at him, still wary of his intentions. "Why not? You shot me," she retorts, and her finger pulls the trigger. However, the gun is out of ammunition, preventing her from taking further action.

Murphy sits down across from us, no longer posing a threat. He lets out a heavy sigh, acknowledging the gravity of his past actions. "Yeah, I would've shot me too," he admits, a hint of remorse in his voice. Bellamy is dead, and Clarke is missing

 "What are you doing here, Murphy?" she questions, her voice tinged with skepticism and pain. Murphy winces in response, "Dying. Same as you." Raven tries to sit up "Speak for yourself."

I turn my attention to Murphy, my anger simmering just below the surface, "How many more of them are out there?" Murphy shakes his head, "None. You fried them all. The only reason this one survived is because they left him behind to guard me."

Raven starts to cough up blood violently, and my heart races with worry. "Raven, no!" I exclaim, fearing the worst. Murphy attempts to assist her, but she pushes him away, determined to handle the situation on her own. He insists, "Fine, then just roll over yourself. Get down on your side. You're okay. It's all good." Reluctantly, Raven complies, and I can't help but feel a mix of admiration and fear for her indomitable spirit. "Why are you helping us?" I ask him, genuinely puzzled. Murphy looks at us with a hint of vulnerability, "I don't want to die alone."

Bellamy is dead. And Clarke is gone. My wound continues to pain me, and I curse in frustration. "FUCK" Murphy advises me, "Don't stop putting pressure on it." I shoot him a glare, resenting the fact that he's now giving me advice after everything he's done. Nonetheless, I heed his words and resume applying pressure to my wound.

Raven's sense of humor flickers back, even amidst the pain. "Shit, I thought I just died," she says with a weak laugh. I look over at her, relieved to see her conscious, but the sorrow and uncertainty still linger in the back of my mind.

Bellamy is dead. And Clarke is gone.

"How did you get to be such a dick, Murphy?" Raven asks, not holding back her frustration. Murphy looks at her, his expression guarded, "I'm sorry for shooting you, okay? Is that what you want to hear?" Raven rolls her eyes, seemingly unimpressed by his apology, and challenges him further, "Let me guess. Mommy and daddy didn't love you?"

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