Pilot pt. 2

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Word count-1158

"Oh, damn, I love Earth," Jasper exclaims with delight. I look up and next to the river I see Octavia cheerfully removing her clothes. Clarke raises her voice to call out to Octavia, "Octavia, what the hell are you doing?" Octavia, now in just her tank top and underwear, waves playfully before plunging into the water. Excitement takes over, and we all rush over to join her by the river's edge. "Octavia!" I call out, my concern mixed with amusement.

We gather around, watching as Octavia moves in the water. "We can't swim," Monty says. Octavia stands up in the water, "I know, but we can stand."

Clarke looks at the water "Wait. There's not supposed to be a river here." Finn, grins and kicks off his shoes, "Well, there is. So take off your damn clothes," he playfully urges. We all start to undress. But then Jasper looks out at the water and freezes. 

"What the... Oh, Octavia, get out of the water! Get out of the water now!" Jasper's urgent voice fills the air as we notice something large moving towards her. Fear grips my heart, and I join Jasper, shouting desperately, "OCTAVIA NOW!" But before she can reach safety, the snake-like creature seizes her, and her terrified screams pierce through the air as she's pulled beneath the water's surface.

"OCTAVIA!" Jasper's cries out, the shock of the situation leaving us momentarily frozen in fear. The water becomes eerily still as we anxiously search for any sign of her. "Shit, shit, shit," I mutter, my heart pounding in my chest. Panic sets in as I demand, "Where is she? WHERE IS SHE?" Then Octavia resurfaces. "There!" Monty shouts, pointing at the creature that has taken her.

"What the hell is that?" Monty questions, his voice trembling with fear. Jasper's determination kicks in as he exclaims, "We have to help her!" Finn prepares to jump in, but Clark intervenes, coming up with a risky plan. "No. Wait. If we distract it, it might let her go. Help me," she urges, attempting to push a rock into the water. We all join in, pushing the rock with desperation, and when the rock splashes down in to the water, the creature releases Octavia.

"It worked. It let her go," Finn announces. I look at him "Wow, really," I comment. Clarke glares at me and then Jasper urgently shouts, "Octavia, get to the shore now!" He leaps into the water, rushing to her aid and pulling her out of the water, ensuring her safety. We all rush down to the rock shelf that Jasper and Octavia are now sitting on. Clarke quickly improvises a makeshift tourniquet with a part of Jasper's tee shirt, and we share a collective sigh of relief as she assures Octavia, "You're gonna be okay." Octavia hugs Jasper tight thanking him. Monty smiles, "Note to self, next time, save the girl." We all laugh softly.

As we help Octavia get back on her feet and dressed, we press onward through the wilderness. The sun gradually sets, and Clarke suggests, "Let's make camp here." I wholeheartedly agree, feeling the weariness seep into my bones. "Good I can't walk anymore." Octavia playfully retorts, "I'm the one with a hurt leg," and I grin, responding sarcastically, "Yes, and I feel your pain."

Exhausted, I find a spot to rest and lie down, releasing a deep breath of contentment. "I've read a lot of Earth books, but they never talked about how good it smells," I say, a smile lighting up my face. "How could people destroy this place?" I whisper. "Good night, guys," I murmur before rolling over, and passing out.


I jolt awake, drenched in a cold sweat. With a deep breath, I try to calm myself, whispering, "I'm okay." The brightening sky signals the approaching morning, so I decide to get up anyway. Looking around, I notice Finn and Clarke sleeping next to each other. I walk over to Jasper and gently nudge him awake. "Jasper... Jasper!" I whisper yell. He stirs and mumbles, "What?" in a loud voice. I quickly hush him, "Shh, dude, it's light out. We need to get up and find Mount Weather." He groggily sits up and slowly starts to wake. As I move around the campsite, I begin to wake Monty and Octavia. The commotion from waking everyone up seems to have its ripple effect, and Clarke and Finn also wake up due to the noise. We all gorggily start to make our way towards Mount weather.

We gather by the riverbank, eyeing an extra-long vine that we can use to swing across. Finn playfully raises his hand, declaring, "I call going first." Laughter fills the air as he climbs up to a high rock, with Jasper following closely behind. Balancing on the edge, Finn tests the vine while Clarke playfully urges, "You wanted to go first. Now quit stalling. Mount Weather awaits."

Jasper looks at him "Just hang on till the apogee, and you'll be fine." Finn smiles and looks at him "The apogee like the Indians, right?" Jasper looks at him slightly confused. "Apogee, not apache." Clarke rolls her eyes "He knows. Today, Finn."

Finn pulls the vine tight, "Aye, aye, captain. See you on the other side." But before he takes the leap, Jasper stops him with an eager smile, "Wait." Finn pauses. Jasper looks down at Octavia and playfully insists, "Let me. I can do it." Finn smiles, "Knew there was a badass in there somewhere."

Jasper takes the vine, getting ready to swing. Finn leans in and says something quietly to Jasper before stepping back. Jasper nods and confidently declares, "See you on the other side." With enthusiasm and a burst of energy, he swings over. When he lets go he almost rolls and then stands up, triumphant. "Yeah! We are apogee! Yeah!" he exclaims, prompting cheers from all of us.

"You did it, Jasper!" we all cheer, feeling the shared excitement and accomplishment. On the other side, Jasper proudly holds up a sign that reads "Mount Weather," "We did it! Mount Weather! Whoo! Whoo!" he yells, and the cheers grow louder. Encouraged and exhilarated, I step forward to take my turn on the vine, eager to join in the triumph and face the next challenge with my friends by my side.

A sudden blur emerges from the woods, hurtling past us, and with a shocking impact, it strikes Jasper squarely in the chest. "Jasper," Clarke calls out, her voice uncertain and worried. "JASPER!" I scream in fear and desperation. Finn reacts swiftly, pulling us down to the ground, urging, "Come on. Come on. Come on."

Tears well up in my eyes, and my heart pounds with panic. "Jasper! Jasper!" I cry out. Clarke scans the surroundings with a sense of urgency, and her voice trembles as she announces, "We're not alone."

"SHIT!" I exclaim, my tears now falling freely, a mix of fear and frustration consuming me.

Sorry this one is so short. The next few will be longer I promise!



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