The Calm

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Word count- 1359

For the past two days, Clarke and I have been on watch for grounders. Bellamy joins us now, and Clarke sighs, "It's been two days. Maybe the bomb at the bridge scared them off for good." Bellamy gazes at the surrounding trees and asks, "You believe that?" I shake my head firmly, "No. They're coming."

Bellamy nods and continues, "Jasper thinks he can cook up some more gunpowder if he gets some sulfur, and Raven says she can turn that into landmines. So be careful where you step." Clarke replies with sarcasm, "Ha! Funny." Bellamy, however, seems agitated, "What I really need is a thousand more of her tin can bombs so I can roll them into their village and blow those Grounders to hell." He glances at me, sensing my disapproval of his aggressive stance.

"That's what they want to do to us," he says, I just shake my head. Clarke adds, "Can't believe we survived a hundred years just so we could slaughter each other. There has to be another way." She looks up with a glimmer of hope, "Any word from the Ark?"

Bellamy sadly shakes his head, "Radio silence. Finally ran out of air." Clarke contemplates, "Maybe our parents were lucky being on the Exodus ship. At least it was quick." I look down, troubled by the thought, "That's a nice way to think of it." However, her expression grows somber as she faces the reality, "No one is coming down to save us."

"Whoa! Guys, fire! Go, go, go! All right." I rush into the camp and see the smokehouse engulfed in flames. Bellamy rushes to Octavia, asking, "Are you okay?" Octavia coughs and nods in reply. Meanwhile, Murphy turns to Del, accusing him, "This is all your fault! We told you it was too much wood." Enraged, Murphy starts to punch Del, who retaliates, pushing him away with anger. Bellamy steps in to separate them, commanding, "Hey! Hey! Hey, stop! Save it for the Grounders."

Octavia gazes at the burning smokehouse, "Well, now what the hell are we gonna do? That was all the food." I look around. "Shit." As the smokehouse continues to burn, people start to leave, but Bellamy and I remain, watching the destruction in silence. Once the smokehouse turns into a pile of char, Clarke walks over, "Any idea what happened?" Bellamy explains, "Murphy says that Del kept feeding the fire, mostly because Octavia told him it was a bad idea." Clarke looks thoughtful and questions, "And we believe Murphy?" I nod firmly, "I do." Clarke nods, saying, "Yeah. We have some wild onions and nuts in the dropship. It's only enough to last us maybe one or two weeks. What's left here?" Bellamy stands up and replies gravely, "Nothing. It all burned." Clarke contemplates the situation, "Then we have to hunt. Anyone we can spare goes out."

Bellamy looks out towards the trees, concerned about the Grounder threat, and Clarke addresses the group, "Look. We can't defend ourselves if we're starving." We all gather inside the dropship as Bellamy formulates a plan, "Each group takes someone with a gun, and they're for killing Grounders, not food. We don't have the ammo. Use the spears for hunting. Get what you can. Be back by nightfall. No one stays out after dark." We all nod in agreement, and as I grab my knife, I'm approached by Clarke, Finn, and Myles. Clarke asks, "You want to go with us?" I smile and reply, "Sure." Myles joins in, "Awesome. Haven't really got a chance to hang with you guys much. Hey, do you even know how I got arrested on the Ark?" Finn glances at Clarke with curiosity, "I'm dying to hear about it."

We venture through the dense woods while Finn skillfully tracks a set of footprints we discovered. Myles pipes up, "One of those scaly panther things?" Finn dismisses the idea, "Boar." Myles seems relieved, "Good, because that panther meat is nasty, but I could eat a whole boar by myself, no joke. You know what the best part is about the boar? It's gonna sound gross." I roll my eyes at Myles and say, "Myles, quiet for a second." Clarke kneels down beside Finn, asking with concern, "What is it?" Finn looks troubled, "These tracks... they're perfect." Clarke agrees, "Too perfect. We're the ones being hunted." Myles raises his gun, scanning the surroundings, "I don't see anything."

Suddenly, arrows pierce the air and strike Myles in the leg and chest. He cries out in pain, and Clarke rushes to his side, shouting his name. Finn turns around, scanning the area for the attackers. I grab Myles's gun, peering through the scope, when a sudden jolt of pain sears through my side. Looking down, I see an arrow lodged in my abdomen. "HOLY SHIT!" I scream, clutching my wounded side. Clarke rushes to me, helping me sit down. "Hey Y/n, stay with me," she urges, her voice filled with concern. Finn grips Clarke's arms, trying to pull her away, "Clarke, come on. We have to leave them." Clarke shakes her head defiantly, but before any of us can react, a Grounder emerges from behind a tree and strikes Finn. "NO," Clarke cries out in distress. In an instant, the Grounder's blow lands on her head too.

I witness Anya, the Grounder prinsess, approach them and take charge. She has one of her men grab Finn and Clarke dragging them off "No, Clarke," I manage to say in almost a whisper. Anya turns her attention to me, and without hesitation, she grabs the arrow and twists, causing me to scream in agonizing pain. "Yu gonplei ste odon," she states coldly before she and the other Grounders take Clarke and Finn with them, disappearing into the dense foliage.

I gaze up at the sky, witnessing it transform from day to night. The cold air envelops me. Yet, I refuse to succumb to the thought of dying, not yet. I gather my strength and manage to rise to my feet. A quick glance confirms that Myles is still breathing.

"I'm sorry, Myles, but I can't carry you and make it back. I promise I'll send Bellamy to get you," I assure him, though he can only manage a groan in response. I leave the gun behind, realizing it's too heavy for me to carry. With determination, I take a few steps forward, guided by the sound of distant voices. The rustling leaves lead me to Bellamy, who stands alert, holding a gun while scanning the surroundings.

"Bellamy?" I call out, and relief washes over his face upon seeing me. "Y/n? Oh, thank God," he exclaims, rushing toward me. Concern takes over as he notices my wounded side. "The grounders... they took Clarke and Finn," I say to him, struggling to keep my focus. "Myles, he's back there in the bushes," Raven hurries over as well, joining our conversation.

"I know. We just found him," Raven says. "Where's Finn?" I find it hard to articulate, but manage to say, "The grounders..." My eyes droop, and fatigue overwhelms me. I fall unconscious.

I awaken to find Bellamy standing nearby, relief evident on his face. "Hey, you're okay," he assures me. As I sit up, I feel the dull ache in my side, but I'm relieved to see that the arrow has been removed and my wound is dressed with cloth. "Hurts like hell," I remark, to which he chuckles softly.

Looking around, I immediately ask about Clarke. Bellamy's expression darkens as he responds, "We couldn't spare more people, so we brought you back. Clarke is..." I try to get up, anxious to go after her, but he gently stops me, insisting, "You can't get up yet."

My eyes fill with frustration, and I glare at him. "How could you leave her?" I ask him. He looks down. "Y/n, I had to make a choice. I chose to save those I could instead of losing everyone," he explains.

I lower my gaze, feeling torn between my pain and my concern for Clarke. "You should have—" I wince as I stand up, my body protesting the movement. "You should have gone after Clarke," I assert, deciding to walk away despite the pain.

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