Fog of War

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Word count- 2090

Bellamy, Clarke, and I sit by the ark talking about Mount Weather. "Okay, tell me again," Bellamy says. Clarke takes a deep breath, "It's a labyrinth. We can access the dam through this tunnel, and it's all interconnected with the mine system. That's our way in." Bellamy looks concerned, questioning, "Are you sure we can get past the Reapers and the Mountain Men?" I let out a sigh, trying to lighten the mood, "Nah, we got this—just two times the death, nothing we haven't faced before." Bellamy manages a smile, but his focus remains on the map in Clarke's hands. "I swear to God if your mom doesn't sanction the mission soon, I'm going by myself."

Clarke looks at me, her determination evident, "You won't be by yourself." I nod. Suddenly, Finn approaches the group, and Bellamy takes notice, "Guess the inquisition's over. How's Finn doing, anyway?" An unsettling feeling overtakes me, and I decide it's best to walk away from the conversation

I make my way to the back of the Ark, feeling overwhelmed by the haunting images of Finn shooting that child. "Fuck!" I cry out, unable to escape the painful memories. Tears stream down my face as I look down at my trembling hands. "Shit," I mutter, trying to regain my composure. I wipe my tears and stand up, but before I can fully gather myself, Murphy appears.

"What do you want, Murphy?" I ask with a hint of annoyance in my voice. He rolls his eyes and holds out a bottle to me. "You want a drink?" he offers. I eye the bottle suspiciously, asking, "Where did you get that?"

He smirks, "Monty's stash." I take the bottle from him and sit back down, taking a swig. But it's stronger than I expected, and I start coughing. "Holy shit," I manage to say between coughs, "What the hell did Monty put in this?" Murphy chuckles, taking a drink himself.

Leaning my head against the Ark, we sit in silence for a while. Then I say, "I miss space" He glances at me "Really?" I chuckle, "Yeah, on the Ark, I had three friends, and life seemed great, other than the death sentence on my 18th birthday. I had Monty and Jasper," I chuckle, "And I had you, before you turned into such a-a- such an asshole."

I pause, looking at him, and continue, "Now I'm on the ground with so many people I care about, living on the knife's edge every day. But honestly, I'd do it all again. I mean, the fucking trees are just gorgeous," I say.

Murphy smiles, taking another sip from the bottle, "You're such a lightweight, you know that, right?" I laugh and take another drink, defending myself, "I am not." He takes the bottle from me, and takes a sip.

"He just kept shooting," I say, trying to process my feelings. I continue talking, feeling surprisingly comfortable sharing with him, 

"I wanted Clarke back too but those people they...," I say, the words escaping as if trying to relieve the burden weighing on my heart. Murphy looks at me with surprise in his eyes, but I press on, needing to share my thoughts. "If I had reacted faster, done anything, maybe those people would still be alive. If Kane had been there, he probably would've found a way to handle it."

Murphy shakes his head, offering a different perspective, "That's not a guarantee. Finn was acting crazy; he would have done anything. In that moment, he might have shot you first and then the rest too. And you did do something. He only stopped because your bullet went by his head. Also your dad-" I shoot him a glare. He quickly raises his hands in defense, "Sorry, Kane is a bitch." Surprisingly, his words gain a smile from me, "In a weird twisted way, that was mildly comforting. When you're not being your assholey self, you can actually be a good friend." Yawning, I stretch out on the grass and gaze up at the stars. "Don't make me regret saying that," I add before fatigue takes over, and I drift off to sleep.

I wake up to Bellamy shaking me awake. "What the hell, Bellamy? It's too early," I grumble, feeling the grogginess in my voice. "We're going to Mount Weather," he says urgently. I sit up and glance over to see Murphy still sleeping on the grass, about five feet away. "We are?!" I ask, surprised. Bellamy nods, and I quickly get to my feet. "I'm assuming we can't bring him?" I say, pointing to Murphy. Bellamy shakes his head in agreement. "I'll be at the gate in 5," I say, and he nods before walking away.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2023 ⏰

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