Day Trip

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Word count-3023

Dax had no last name that is just the actor last name btw

"I don't care how hungry I get, I'm not eating these until the only option is cannibalism," I remark, standing outside with Jasper and Monty as we package nuts for the winter. Clarke approaches us, calling my attention. "Y/n, it's your turn," she says, pointing to the radio area.

I frown. "For what?" I ask. "Kane is on the radio waiting for you." My eyes widen in surprise. "O-oh," I stammer, taken aback by the news. Clarke nods and leaves us.

Concerned, Jasper turns to me. "Shit... You okay?" he asks, noticing my sudden change in demeanor. I nod, trying to brush it off. "I-I'm fine. Never better," I reply before making my way to the radio room.

As I enter the room and take a seat, I see my father sitting across the table. "Hello, Y/n," he greets me with a warm smile. I avoid his gaze, feeling a rush of emotions. "Sooo... What's up?" I say, trying to maintain a casual tone. He smiles, trying to mend the strained situation. "I missed you," he admits. I frown, feeling conflicted. "You didn't have to miss me. I could have been on the Ark. But you sent us down here to die," I say, angry.

He tries to speak, but I cut him off, needing to express my feelings. "No, honestly, I don't even want to talk to you. I spoke to Abby, and she said that you voted for this," I pause, my emotions getting the better of me. He tries to interject, but I continue, "I don't want to hear it right now. You can talk to me when you get down here."

He sighs. "I'm sorry. I'm going to go down in the first dropship. We can talk when I get down," he says, attempting to make amends.I nod, feeling torn between conflicting emotions. "Dax Zink is next," he adds, standing up and walking away to give me space to process everything.

Overwhelmed, I mutter, "Shit," as tears well up in my eyes. I take a moment to gather myself and then head out to find Dax. Spotting him with the meat crew, I call out, "Dax?" He looks up, and I inform him, "Your mom is on the radio." He nods, acknowledging the message, and walks away to take the call.

I glance over at Bellamy, and he greets me with a warm smile. Encouraged, I walk over to him, and Clarke joins us. "Bellamy," Clarke says, and he looks at her with curiosity. "The answer is still no. I'm not talking to Jaha," Bellamy asserts firmly.

Clarke quickly clarifies, "Hey, relax. That's not why I'm here." Bellamy stops walking, giving her his full attention. "What, then?" he asks, genuinely intrigued.

Clarke shares the news, "The Ark found some old records that show a supply depot not too far from here." Bellamy's interest is piqued. "What kind of supplies?" he asks. Clarke looks around the camp, "The kind that might give us a chance to live through winter. I'm gonna go check it out. I could use backup." I turn to Clarke, "Can I go too?"

Clarke looks at me and nods, "Sure, why not?" My face lights up with a smile at the opportunity. Meanwhile, Bellamy looks down, letting out a huff, seemingly conflicted. He glances at Octavia, and then back to Clarke, finally nodding his head. "I'll get my stuff, Meet you in ten," he says, making up his mind to join us. 

I enter my tent grab my stuff, including my knife. Just as I'm getting ready to head out, Monty appears by the exit, "Where are you going?" I turn around, smiling at him. "Oh, I'm going with Clarke and Bellamy to get some supplies," I reply.

Monty's concern is evident as he nods, "Please be careful." I give him an assuring smile. "Don't worry, Monty. I'll be just fine," I assure him, grateful for his concern. He smiles back, and I rush out to find Clarke and Bellamy.

Spotting them nearby, I run over to catch up. "Hey!" I greet them enthusiastically. Clarke, however, seems somewhat distant. "Okay, let's go," she says in a monotone voice, already walking away. I look at Bellamy, who simply shrugs, and we both follow her, determined to face whatever challenges lie ahead.

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