Murphy's Law

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Word count-3630

Tensions have been running high in camp ever since Wells was found dead by the edge. I'm assisting Bellamy with building the wall, trying to stay focused despite the underlying unease. Murphy walks over. "This section should be finished by tomorrow," he says, glancing at Bellamy.

Just then, Connor collapses to the ground, clearly exhausted. Bellamy walks up to him "Hey! You think the Grounders are just gonna sit around and wait for us to finish the wall?" he shouts, pointing a finger at Charlotte. "Maybe we should let the little girl do the lifting for you, huh?"

Connor takes a moment to catch his breath, expressing his need for water. Bellamy immediately takes charge, instructing Murphy to get the guy some water. He turns to Charlotte and points to a big log "Hey, you got this?" She nods and goes to pick it up. He stops her"I'm just kidding." She smiles. I help Bellamy carry the log to the wall.

Then I hear Connor his let out a yell, this time at Murphy. "Uhh! What the hell is wrong with you, Murphy?" I look and see Murphy pissing down Connor's back. I shoot a disapproving look at him, but he seems unfazed. Instead, he takes a harsh approach, "You wanted a water break. Get back to work." Murphy says. Everybody gets back to work.

Everyone eventually resumes their tasks, trying to keep their minds off the recent events. I walk up to Murphy. "God, you just can't stop being a dick, can you?" I remark. He turns to me, his smirk still present. "I said get back to work," he retorts, attempting to assert his authority.

I nod, refusing to let him have the upper hand. "Uh-huh. And you're not the boss of me," I reply, asserting my independence. He smiles back, seemingly unfazed by my remark. "Always nice talking to you, Y/N," he says in a mocking tone. I smile back, trying to hide my irritation. "Likewise," I respond.

I storm away, feeling a mix of frustration and concern as I get pulled into a tent. My initial reaction is to raise my fist, "Don't Fuc- Bellamy?" I turn and see Clarke, Octavia, Jasper, and Bellamy. "What's going on guys?" 

Octavia places a knife on the table, catching my attention. "We found this next to where Wells was killed," she says somberly, and then Jasper adds, "We also found... his fingers." My eyes widen in shock.

Clarke picks up the knife, examining it closely. "This knife was made of metal from the dropship," she explains, and Jasper looks at her, "What do you mean?"

Bellamy looks at them, asking, "Who else knows about this?" Octavia assures him, "No one. We brought it straight here." Clarke looks up at us, "It means the Grounders didn't kill Wells. It was one of us." Jasper processes the information, realizing the grim reality. "So, there's a murderer in the camp?" he utters.

Bellamy takes a moment to respond. "There's more than one murderer in this camp. This isn't news. We need to keep it quiet," he says with a grave tone. Clarke appears determined to take action and starts to leave, but Bellamy blocks her path. "Get out of my way, Bellamy," she demands.

Bellamy looks at me, seeking my support in handling the situation. "Clarke, be smart about this. Look at what we've achieved... the wall, the patrols. Like it or not, thinking the Grounders killed Wells is good for us," he argues, trying to justify their approach.

Clarke seems unconvinced, venting her frustration. "Oh, good for you, you mean. What... keep people afraid and they'll work for you? Is that it?" she retorts, challenging Bellamy's perspective. He remains steadfast in his stance, "Yeah. That's it. But it's good for all of us. Fear of the Grounders is building that wall. And besides, what are you gonna do... just walk out there and ask the killer to step forward? You don't even know whose knife that is."

Clarke disagrees vehemently, believing that the truth should be revealed. "Oh, really? J.M. John Murphy. The people have a right to know," she insists, determined to uncover the truth.

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