Human trials

22 2 0

Word Count- 1366

Finn assesses the situation, counting the figures in the village. "I count 26," he says. Murphy disagrees, tearing his vision from the village, "I got 28." I interject, "Okay, let's call it 27." Murphy continues, "These people don't look like warriors, Finn. And there are kids. Old people. There's nothing big enough here to hold our friends." I nod in agreement with Murphy's observation.

Finn remains determined, "They could be underground. We wait till dark. Then we go in." Murphy appears puzzled, "We go in? Finn, we don't even know if our people are here yet." Finn, however, is certain, "They're here. Or they were when that Grounder took Clarke's watch." I raise a point, "Finn, the man could have been lying." But he shakes his head with conviction, "He wasn't."

Murphy worries aloud, "What if we're too late, huh? They're probably already dead. We need to-" Finn's frustration bubbles up, and he grabs Murphy's shirt, but I intervene, pushing Finn away, "Take it easy, Finn." He calms down slightly, "How much ammo do we have?" Murphy glances at our guns and answers, "I think I liked you better as a peacemaker." I don't say anything but I know he's right. "I guess we will wait till dark," I say, looking at Murphy, who still seems reluctant but remains by our side.


"What are you doing? This wasn't part of our plan," I say, alarmed, as I see Finn holding a torch over a building. The fire reflects into his eyes, "We're changing the plan. This is their food," Finn responds, tossing the torch into the food, setting it ablaze. The Grounders in the village react with loud shouts. Murphy looks at Finn and acknowledges, "Distraction? Not bad." Finn nods in agreement, saying, "Let's go."

As they start to walk away, I can't help but grab Finn's arm, stopping him in his tracks. "You just ruined them. These people... There are children here," I protest. Murphy looks back at us, signaling for us to get moving. He the situation escalating rapidly. "They took Clarke," Finn explains, and he quickly runs after Murphy. I take a final look at the flames before chasing after them.

We find ourselves ducking behind a wall, trying to stay out of sight. Murphy is right; we need to run. But Finn has a different idea. "Can't. They'll kill our people," he says firmly, determined to protect our friends at all costs. Murphy insists that they'll kill us, but Finn takes a risky approach. He grabs one of the older Grounders by his shirt, and steps out firing wildly into the air. I step out after him "Who's in charge here?!" Nobody speaks. He points a gun at one of the mans head. "I'll ask again. Who's in charge?" One of the Grounders stands up bravely, "Our leader isn't here. You can deal with me.". Finn remains resolute, "Nobody has to get hurt. We just want our people back."

The Grounder looks at us, puzzled, and claims that they don't have our people. Finn doesn't seem convinced, and he pushes the man to the ground. Gesturing to Murphy and me, Finn signals that we should stay and guard the people. "Then you won't mind if we look around." he runs off and we guard the people.

"I told you, we don't have your people," the Grounder insists. Murphy stares at him and firmly commands, "Stop talking." We listen for Finn, but there's no response. "Find something? Finn! Finn, answer me! Are you alright?" Murphy calls out, concern evident in his voice. One of the Grounders tries to get up, but Murphy raises his gun, ready to shoot. "Hey, on your knees! On your knees, now! On your knees!" I step in, urgently pushing his gun down. "Murphy, stop! He's just a child!" I plead with him, and the young Grounder nods gratefully in response.

"Finn!" Finn comes running in and joins the group of Grounders. "Slow down!" we both say, trying to restrain him. "What have you done with them?" Finn demands, pointing his gun into the crowd. His frustration and fear are evident. "Hey, Finn, come on!" Murphy and I continue to try to calm him down. "Their clothes are here! They were here!" Finn exclaims, holding up a jacket as evidence. He raises the gun towards one of the Grounders' heads, accusing, "You killed them!"

The Grounder stares at the jacket and responds, "Your friends were not here. I saw one, Octavia." I look at him in confusion. "She was alone." Murphy tries to reason with Finn, suggesting, "These people are scavengers, Finn. They could've just found that stuff."

But Finn is beyond reason, and his emotions have taken over. He pushes one of the Grounder girls to the ground, holding his gun to her head while stepping on her back. The Grounder leader advises his people not to move, and I enter the Grounder enclosure, pulling at Finn's arm, desperate to stop him. "Stop! Look at me," I plead. Finn pushes me away, his anger consuming him. "Get off me!" he snaps. Murphy continues trying to reason with him, "Finn, don't do this. Let's just walk out of here while we still can, okay?" Finn's eyes fixate on the girl beneath him. I whisper, "Finn, please," hoping that my voice can break through to him. The situation is escalating dangerously, and we need to find a way to defuse it before things turn even worse.

Murphy grabs the jacket and interjects, "Look, just because their clothes are here, doesn't mean anything." Finn's intense stare wavers, and he turns to Murphy, questioning, "He told us our friends were here. Why would he do that?" Murphy, trying to reason with Finn, says "The guy with one eye? Maybe because you had a gun to his head, Finn."

The Grounder man looks up and adds, "The man with one eye. You saw Delano. A snake. A thief. He and his men were cast out. You are his revenge." Murphy nods,  "It makes sense, Finn. Ok, we need to go. Now. Now!" But Finn remains frozen in place. I shake my head, "We need to go! They don't have Clarke, Finn. They don't have her. So we need to leave here. Now."

Suddenly, one of the Grounders attempts to escape, and without hesitation, Finn guns him down. My heart sinks, and the older Grounder man yells in protest, "No! He was just trying to get away!" The anger inside me boils. "Finn... You can't kill them! They didn't do anything! THEY'RE INNOCENT!" I exclaim, my voice trembling with frustration.

Finn continues to stare at the Grounders, and Murphy pulls on his jacket, urging him to leave. "Come on!" More Grounders try to escape, but Finn opens fire, killing anyone who attempts to flee. I reach out almost trying to grab the bullets before they can kill the grounders. I point my gun at Finn "Finn! I will shoot you in the fucking leg if you don't stop" Murphy joins in, desperately pleading, "Finn! Finn! We need to go! Look at me! We need to go now! Finn! Stop!"

Finn, lost in his uncontrollable rage, continues firing, and my heart sinks even further as I watch Grounders drop like flies. I shoot the gun and it goes flying by he head, he pauses and looks back at me. Octavia runs towards the body of the child he shot earlier. I look back and see Clarke and Bellamy with horrified expressions as they observe Finn's actions. Octavia kneels next to the boy, Artigas, and Finn looks at Clarke, a twisted smile forming on his face. "I found you," he says, but Clarke just shakes her head in disbelief and disappointment. The situation has escalated to a point of no return, and the consequences of Finn's actions are devastatingly evident. I run to Bellamy. He stares at the carnage left by Finn, then he looks down at me "He wouldn't stop shooting." I whisper. Bellamy nods. 

I continue to struggle writing y/n because I keep making it seem like she likes Bellamy. I'm bi so every time I just want her to be with Bellamy but then I remember it doesn't follow the storyline that I want to happen......... 

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