Stucky / In The End

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It was cold, your skin felt numb and your toes felt like they were going to fall off.

"Buck?" You whispered as he felt a hand on your cheek.
You nuzzled into it, enjoying the warmth from the hand.

"How I've missed my sweet girl." You heard a voice say as you froze and opened your eyes.
You looked up to see the hand belonged to your father.

"No... No no no no, NO!" You screamed as you thrashed around on the metal table you were restrained to.

"No, this isn't happening. It's a nightmare, you died. It's not real." You whispered, closing your eyes and shaking your head.

"Shh, sweetheart. Daddy's right here." He whispered as you began to sob.

"No, no they'll find me." You whispered as he smiled at you.

"Aww, it's okay love. They won't be looking for you. See?" He said as he held up a tablet.
It was a live feed... Of your funeral.

"What have you done?" You whispered as he smiled.

"You woke up just in time to see the lovely funeral. They decided to have all three together." He said as you watched the funeral play out.
Two more coffins came down the isle as people sobbed and screamed.
You noticed an arm on one and a metal shield on the other.
Every single cell in your body felt like it died in that moment.

"No... No please, please. NO!" You screamed as loud as you could.
You began to sob as your father stepped away a little.

"I know it's hard now, my love. But, it'll get easier." He whispered before he came over and began to play with your hair.

"No, I need them. Please, bring them back, bring..." You trialled off as you began to run out of breath and choke.
You felt a sharp pain in your arm as you looked beside you to see your father injecting a needle into your arm.

"Rest now, my sweet angel."


When you awoke again you felt warmer, something underneath you was soft.
You groaned and opened your eyes to see you were in a cell.
But, it was nicer than others you'd been in, blankets and toys adorned the room.
Your father was trying to be sweet, but he just murdered your partners.
It would take a bit more than blankets and toys.
You rolled over in bed and covered yourself with the blanket as you began to cry.

"Oh, sweetheart." You heard a voice say as you looked up to see your father entering.
He sat on the side of your bed and ran his hand through your hair.

"Why did you do this?" You whispered as you began to sob.

"I know you dont understand, my sweet girl. But, I do all of this to keep you safe. I missed you so much." He said, wiping your tears away.

"You died." You whispered as he smiled a little.

"Darling, nothing ever stays dead in our family." He replied as you turned around and kept sobbing.
Your father kept rubbing your back as you sobbed.
You sat up and slowly wrapped your arms around him.
He hugged you tightly as you cried.

"That's it, my good girl." He whispered as you cuddled into him.
He was a monster, and you hated him with every fibre of your being.
But, you'd just lost the two people you loved more than anything and not to mention your entire team.
Your Father was all you had left.
So, you let him hold you and whisper to you as you sobbed your heart out.
Eventually you passed out from exhaustion, your Father still cradling you.

"I missed you so much, my sweet little girl. I'll take good care of you." He whispered pressing a kiss to your forehead.


It didn't take long until you fell back into your old ways.
Numb and obedient.
Forgetting all your emotions.
It had been a year since you'd lost them.
You tried your best to not even think about it anymore.
You were in the training room of the Hydra base, training as hard as you could.
You didn't care that your knuckles were bloody an bruised, the pain distracted you.

"Darling?" You heard you father say as you looked up to see him entering the training room.

"Father." You greeted as he smiled.

"I've got two new agents I want you to train with, they're very advanced so you should learn a lot from them." He said as you nodded.
Two agents entered and you looked up.
Your world broke, your heart stopped beating as you met the two soldiers faces.

"No..." You whispered, your body begining to shake, you were scared you'd drop dead right there.

"What did you do to them?" You whispered turning to your father.

"I made them better, sweetheart. I thought you'd enjoy this surprise." He said as you tried your best to keep you tears in.

"Bucky, Steve." You whispered in disbelief.
You dropped to your knees in silence.

"I'm so sorry."

(continued in mini series on my page!)

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