Play Nicely / Part 2

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You sat in silence as you watch the clouds go by.

"What do we do now?" You whispered as you turned to Bucky who was flying the jet.

"We get as far away as possible, our best bet is to get far away from America. We've got enough fuel to get us to Canada, we'll figure it out from there." Bucky said as you nodded a little.
You rested your head on the glass and closed your eyes, trying your best to not cry.
You felt Bucky reach over and hold onto your hand as you looked at him.

"I've got you. Get some rest if you can." He said as you smiled and nodded.


You awoke to the sound of the jet landing, you opened your eyes and saw Bucky was landing in an open field.
The jet landed and you sighed in relief.

"We'll have to find a car, get far away from the jet." You said, begining to unstrap yourself for the chair.
You both got out and suddenly heard a sound.
You looked up to see large black vehicles coming towards you.
You grabbed out your gun and you and Bucky instantly went back to back.
One car came straight in front of you and a man in a blue suit got out.

"Pretty rough landing I would say. Want to explain why you're in a Hydra jet flying over illegal territory?" The blonde man said as I glared at him.

"We escaped Hydra, our only way was to steal a jet." You said as he gestured for you to lower your gun.
You dropped it and kicked it away before putting your hands up, Bucky did the same.

"My name is John Walker, most people know me as Captain America. I think it's best if we esscort you back to America where we can be sure you're not a threat." He said as you glanced at Bucky.
You never had to speak any words, you could speak with just a glance.
And you knew you were outnumbered, the best thing was to comply.

"We'll comply."


You were in yet another jet but at least now you could be touching Bucky.
Even if it was just your legs touching side by side.
You both had your hands handcuffed in front of you.

"Least they won't make us kiss if we fight." You muttered as Bucky looked at you with a small smile.
He chuckled and shook his head.

"You make every situation worse." He said making you chuckle as well.
John came up and sat across from you, handing you both a bottle of water.

"So, we'll get to our base and obviously we'll need you both to go through interrogation." He said as you nodded and drank the entire bottle.
You hadn't realised how thirsty you were.

"What are you names?" He asked as you looked at him.

"Y/N, but in Hydra they called me Dove." You said as he nodded and looked to Bucky.

"James, but Winter Soldier in the field." He grumbled as John looked at him in shock.

"The one and only, huh? Pretty impressive kill count." He said, you glanced at Bucky before going back to John.

"We didn't have a choice in Hydra." You growled as he chuckled.

"Easy there, you don't need to defend your owner." He said, as you looked at him in anger.

"Watch it." Bucky growled before you leant back and ignored him.

"Don't engage." You whispered to Bucky who leant back as well.

"Leave us alone." Bucky growled before John laughed and left.


After the jet ride you and Bucky had been split up.
You were dragged into an interrogation room and sat in front of a red headed woman.

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