Alpha/Omega AU

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(Alpha/Omega au because I haven't done one for a while and like I need it) 
(Evil Tony)

You sat in the training room shaking and crying in pain while blood dripped from your nose.

You looked up at Tony who stared down at you. 

"Now, sweetheart. I'm going to ask one more fucking time. Are you ready to behave?" He asked, slowly kneeling down and gripping your chin. 

"Yes, sir." You muttered as he smiled. 

"See? That wasn't so hard now was it? I thought you'd learnt your place, Y/N. But, here we are, lovely. Now, go to the infirmary and get Bruce to fix you up, can't have you looking ugly now, can we?" He asked as you looked at him with tears in your eyes and nodded a little. 

You slowly stood up and walked past him, he quickly grabbed your arm roughly. 

"If you ever disobey me like that again, I will fucking force you into heat and throw you into a room with ten alphas. Understood?" He growled as you kept your eyes down and nodded. 

"Yes, sir." You replied making him smile. 

"Good girl." 

You eventually made it up to the infirmary and saw Steve treating one of his recent wounds on his hands. 

He turned around and looked at you in shock. 

"Is Bruce here?" You muttered as you walked closer. 

"No, he's out for a bit. I can help if you want, sweetie." He sat, patting the bed he was in front of. 

You walked over and sat on the bed in front of Steve as he brought out some basic medical supplies. 

"Love, what happened?" He asked as you kept your eyes down. 

"I had an outburst at Tony... I got angry and swore and called him names." You muttered as Steve sighed softly. 

“It’s not fair… I didn’t choose to be born an omega! And just because of that I deserve to get abused?” You shouted at Steve before he roughly grabbed your chin and forced you to look at him. 

“Enough, you can’t speak like that. You know exactly what everyone here is capable of.” He growled as you looked at him and nodded. 

He sighed and let go of your face before he began cleaning up your wounds. 

“I’m sorry, I’m just frustrated.” You muttered as Steve nodded. 

“I know, once you’ve rested a bit we can have a sparring match or something, help you get all that tension out.” He replied as you smiled a little.

"Thank you, Steve."


You sat next to Bucky on the couch, watching tv.

You liked being around Bucky, he felt so safe. Bucky didn't talk much and his Alpha side was practically wiped out by Hydra, so when you were with him you felt equal.

You leant your head against his shoulder while you watched TV.

"I'm scared." You whispered as Bucky looked down at you with confusion.

"Why, doll?" He asked, you continued to stare forward at the TV.

"My heat is coming up and I hate it... I don't want Tony taking care of me when I'm like that. He's so rough with me and he doesn't give me aftercare and I end up worse off." You muttered as Bucky looked at you sadly.

He never agreed with Tony's way of treating you, especially when he would lock you away while you were in heat. Only coming in to fuck you a few times and that was it.

"Something Tony doesn't understand, that he'll probably never understand is that it's not all about sex. Him going in and screwing you isn't fixing anything. An omega is vulnerable when they're like that, needing care and support." Bucky said as you closed your eyes, afraid you would cry.

"I wish you or Steve could help me through it..." You whispered as Bucky ran his hand through your hair.

"Maybe one day..."


You were in the kitchen cooking dinner for everyone, you didn't mind it helped keep your mind off of things.

You saw Tony coming down and your body automatically tensed up.

"What's our wonderful girl cooking for us tonight?" He asked wrapping an arm around your waist while you cooked.

"I thought I would make spaghetti tonight, is that okay?" You asked as he chuckled and kissed your neck.

"It's perfect my little chef. I have to talk to you about something." He said as you stiffened a little.

"I have to go away for three months, sweetheart. That means you'll be going through two heats while I'm gone." He continued as you did your best to keep in your excitement.

"Who will help me?" You asked as he pulled away and held your face in his hand.

"Well, I want Steve to help you through it. I trust him with my life and with you, so it's going to be Steve. I know he can keep you in line like I do." He said as you smiled and nodded.

"Is it really three months? Can we at least call or something?" You asked doing your best to fake that you would miss him.

He chuckled softly and kissed your forehead.

"Of course we can call, sweetheart. I'll miss you so much." He said as you hugged him.

"I'll miss you too, Alpha."

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