Avengers - Wholesome

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(fluff cause I need it)

"Is this really a good idea, Cap?" Tony grumbled sitting across the table from Steve.

"I know Bucky isn't your favourite person and...killed your parents. But, that was the winter soldier, not Bucky. I'm the only thing he has left, this will be the best place for him to heal." Steve said as Tony groaned and rubbed his face.

"I'm just worried about Y/N." Tony muttered.

"We'll just do our best to keep them seperated and try to explain it to Y/N." Steve replied as Tony sighed and nodded.

"Friday, could you get Y/N down here?" Tony asked.

They waited a few minutes and you came down stairs, with your teddy hugged to your chest like usual.

You were Tony's daughter but he didn't know about you until you were thirteen when your mother killed herself and he was the only one to care for you.

The only problem was you had a pretty bad accident when you were a child, leaving your mind basically at age four.

You sat beside Tony, muttering to yourself about some kind of story you'd just come up with.

"We have someone else joining us, to live here and eventually be apart of our team." Tony said as you looked at him and nodded.

"Now, they're a bit different. This person went through a lot and sometimes they can lose control." He said as you played with your bear.

"Like Bruce?" You asked as Tony smiled and nodded.

"Yeah like Bruce... But, this person can be even more dangerous. So, whenever he's around someone else has to be with you, okay?" He explained as you nodded again.

"Will he want to be friends?" You asked still playing with your bear.

Steve chuckled at your innocence.

"I'm sure he would love a friend, Y/N. You just need to be a bit careful around him, okay?" Steve said as you smiled a little and nodded.

"Okay, Steve."


The day came around when Bucky was moving in.

Tony made sure you were in your room and would meet under calmer circumstances.

Bucky came in and hugged his old friend.

"What's in your hand?" Tony asked as Bucky showed him a teddy bear that looked like him.

"Apparently they make bears or me... I tracked it down for Y/N. I thought maybe it'll help her get used to be and my metal arm." He said as Tony smiled and slowly took the bear.

"Well, that's very kind of you, Buck. I'm sure Y/N will love it, you can meet her later. I thought we'd just ease into it." Tony explained as Bucky smiled.

"That's a great idea."


Tony came into your room with the bear Bucky had brought.

Tony saw you on the ground drawing like usual.

"Hey, kid. I've got a surprise for you." He said kneeling down to give you the bear.

You slowly took it with a 'thank you' making Tony smile.

"Bucky got it for you, it's a teddy bear of him." He said as you ran your hand along the soft metal arm on the bear.

"Does Bucky have a grey arm too?" You asked making your father chuckle.

"Well, he has a metal arm. It's silver and made of vibrainium." He said as you looked at him with wide eyes.

"A metal arm? Woah." You muttered as Tony chuckled.

"Do you think you're up to meeting him?" He asked as you smiled and nodded.


Tony lead you down stairs where Bucky was waiting with Steve.

You sat across from him and smiled nervously.

"Thank you for the bear." You whispered as he smiled.

"That's okay, Y/N." He responded as you stood up and slowly approached him.

"Can I touch your metal arm?" You asked looking away nervously as he chuckled.

"Of course you can." He replied, holding his metal hand out for you.

You slowly reached up and touched it cautiously.

"It's so cold... It's so cool." You muttered in amazement making Bucky chuckle.

Tony sat there and watched as you talked to Bucky and asked him questions.

Steve sat beside Tony and smiled.

"Went better than we thought." Steve said making him chuckle.

"Well, the teddy bear definitely soften the blow."

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