Bucky and Sam weren't thrilled to have to work with John Walker and his sister.
John's morals were very questionable and they assumed yours were the same considering you always backed your brother up. Sitting in the back of the truck while John drove you secured the bandage over your leg where you had gotten shot because of a distraction.
"You usually make a habit of fucking up on missions?" Bucky grumbled as you glared at him.
"Mind your fucking business." You snapped back, John looked at you through the rear veiw mirror.
"Y/N." He warned as you sighed and kept your head down.
Bucky noticed how easily you submitted to John, but he didn't question it much.
Eventually you made it back to the base and limped out of the truck, helping Sam unpack the supplies.
Bucky and Sam went their seperate ways, Bucky was about to leave when he heard you and John talking and stopped behind a wall to listen.
"I know I fucked up..." You whispered as John backed you up against the truck.
"Yeah, you fucked up big time. It seems to be a pattern with you recently, and I'm the one having to fucking cover your pathetic ass. If it weren't for me you wouldn't still be here, so you should be fucking thanking me." He said, his voice low before he slammed his hand on the truck beside your head.
"Fucking thank me!" He shouted making you flinch.
"T-Thank you, John." You muttered. He grinned.
"Good girl. Meet me in the training room in ten." He said begore leaving.
Bucky peaked out and approached you.
"That was pretty...intense." He grumbled as you looked at him.
"It's fine, I fucked up. He's my Captain, he needs to keep me in line." You replied. Bucky didn't feel like this was just an average captain and solider confrontation.
"Why does he want you in the training room?" He asked.
"We do it when I make a mistake. We spar together." You said.
Bucky hesitated, he felt like it was more than just a sparring session.
John was double your size, plus you had a bullet wound and he was expecting you to fight him?
"Yeah well, I'm sure that's going to go well." He grumbled about to turn away before you grabbed his hand.
"Wait... If I need to, can I come find you after?" You whispered, Bucky could see the vulnerability in your eyes and he was hesitant to leave you alone. It was the fact that you were looking to a complete stranger (that didn't even like you) for comfort.
"Yeah, you can come find me after it." He said, his voice softer before he left.
You sighed and went made your way to the training room, preparing for the worst.
You entered the room and locked it behind you as you saw John leaning against a wall and waiting.
"Can you...go easy on my wound?" You whispered as he looked at you and tilted his head.
"No." He said before walking forward.
You both met in the middle and he tilted your head up, forcing you to look at him.
"You will not scream, you will not shout and you will not fucking cry. Understood?" He said as you nodded.

Marvel Oneshots - Book 5
FanfictionReader insert! 6 years after my first oneshots book and we're here 😱 Thank you to everyone who's made it this far with me ❤️ Drop a request if you would like!