Avengers - Mask

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(tw! Suicide attempt)
You didn't really feel anything about this situation...
Maybe it hadn't hit you yet or maybe you were numb from all the torture. Being rescued and having the opportunity to live somewhere as safe as the Avengers tower should've made you happy, but you grew up in Hydra and you learn to never show emotion.
You were in the elevator with Maria Hill going up to the avengers tower.
You reached up and secured the mask on your face.
It looked a bit spooky, but your face underneath was even scarier.
It was a long back story but acid had burnt half of your face, even one of your eyes.
You absolutely hated showing anyone your face because you knew how people would react.
The doors opened and you slowly walked out to see the team waiting for you.

"Y/N! It's wonderful to see you." Tony said, he was the first one that came forward to shake your head.
He smiled as you shook his hand and glanced around the room at everyone else.

"I know they all look a bit intimidating but I promise you're safe here. How about I show you to your room?" Tony asked as you smiled a little.

"I'll leave you to it, Stark." Maria said before she left you with the team.

"Okay, let's get you settled into a room before I overwhelm you with introductions." He said as you chuckled a little and followed him up to where the rooms were.

"Maria warned me about the whole mask thing and the team understand as well, so never feel pressured to take the mask off." Tony said as you smiled and looked at him.

"Thank you, Mr. Stark." You replied before he opened a door to show you a comfortable large room.

"This is your lovely room." Tony said as you slowly entered and looked around.

"It's all so nice... Thank you, Mr Stark." You said as he chuckled.

"You're more than welcome, kid. There's some spare clothes to change into, when you're done just find your way back downstairs and we'll have some lunch." He said before leaving you alone.
You sighed and tried to relax a little, all of this was a bit daunting.
You went into the bathroom and slowly took the mask off your face and looked at the monster you saw in the mirror.
Maybe they were nice now, but would they be nice when they saw your real face.
You sighed and secured your mask back onto your face before changing into some new clothes.
Once you were done you found your way back down to the main room where the team were.

"Hey, Y/N! You hungry, kid?" Steve asked as you walked down and nodded a little.

"Only if that's okay."


You had talked to the team for about three hours and you were slowly getting overwhelmed.

"Hey, do you want to go up to your room for a bit?" Tony asked, noticing you were getting overwhelmed.

"Yes, please." You whispered making him smile, you said goodbye to the team and went to the comfort of your room.
You sat on your bed and took your mask off before throwing it at the wall in anger.
You began to cry, all the emotions getting the better of you.
You felt like your were outside your body when you began walking out of your room.
You got into the elevator and continued to cry as you pressed the button for the roof.
Everything was a blur as you got out and walked towards the ledge of the tower.

"Do it, you fucking weakling!" You growled at yourself, you got to the edge and looked over as you cried.

"You really think they want you here!" You screamed, you were about to take a step before you felt arms wrap around you.

"No! No let me go!" You screamed as the person dragged you further away from the ledge.
You broke free and backed away to see it was Steve.

"Y/N, it's okay. We can work this out, okay? We're all here to help." He said in a soothing voice as you looked at him.
He finally saw your face and he looked at you sadly.

"Oh, doll... Hydra did that, didn't they?" He asked as your eyes widened.

"No! Look away." You screamed as you began to cry.
Steve came forward cautiously.

"Sweetheart, it's okay." He said as he slowly wrapped his arms around you.

"I'm hideous." You whispered, thankfully you didn't try to escape his hug.

"No, no you aren't at all. You're not hideous, Y/N and you don't need to hide your face around us." He whispered as you cried softly.

"I was beautiful... The other agents got jealous of it and threw acid onto my face." You whispered as Steve's eyes widened and he hugged you tighter.

"Oh god, doll. I'm so sorry, but you're safe now... You're safe." Steve whispered as you said in his arms.

"We'll all keep you safe, doll."

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