Steve / Keep You Close

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When everyone looked at me they never thought twice, they just looked at me and forgot.
No one had ever called me beautiful in my entire life.
Then I met Steve and he made me feel like I was all that mattered in the world.
He would look at me like I was all there was in the world.
He always told me how beautiful I was, he made sure I never second guessed him.
Maybe the way he loved me wasn't considered healthy, but was it a complete crime to want this?

"Darling? Everything okay?" I heard a voice say as I looked up to see Steve.
I was sitting on the couch watching TV, Steve always noticed when I was thinking too much.

"Sorry, just lost in my thoughts." I muttered as he sat beside me and dragged me into his lap, making me chuckle softly.
He wrapped his arms around me as I instantly cuddled into him.

"What's on your mind, baby?" He whispered as I looked up at him.

"I just get scared I'll lose you, or you'll find someone else." I whispered, cuddling into him as he sighed.

"My sweet girl, you know I would never leave you. You're my everything, I love you so much. It's okay to have those thoughts, baby. You've been left behind so many times by people who said they loved you. So, your mind is scared I'll leave." He replied as I nodded.

"I love you." I whispered as Steve smiled and kissed my forehead.

"I love you too, precious."


Tony had invited Steve and I over to the tower for a party, I starred at my closet.

"Steve!" I shouted out as he came in.

"I don't know what to wear." I pouted as he chuckled softly.
He picked out a simple dress and some shoes for me.

"There, is that good?" He asked as I smiled and nodded.

"Looks perfect." I said as he chuckled and kissed the side of my head.

"Meet me outside when you're ready." He replied as I nodded and began getting ready.
Once I was done I met Steve outside and he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead.

"You look gorgeous, love. Stay close to me tonight, okay?" He asked as you nodded and smiled.

"Of course."


Once you arrived at Tony's, you did your best to stay close to Steve but you got dragged away so many times trying to catch up with old friends.
About an hour into the party Steve had his arm securely around you.
You could see Steve was getting tense, he had a possessive side and you knew that.
He dragged you out of the party and outside, you looked at him with concern.

"Is everything okay?" You asked as he looked down and you and brushed your hair away from your face.

"I don't like everyone starring at you." He muttered as you smiled a little.

"Honestly, I don't think they're starring at me. I think they're looking at you." You whispered as he ran his thumb over your cheek.

"You don't need to worry, okay? Everyone knows I'm yours." You reassured him as he nodded.
You leant up and kisses him softly before holding his hand and heading back inside.
Eventually the inevitable happened and a guy got too drunk and tried to touch you.
Steve lost it and punched him across the face before you grabbed him and pulled him away.

"You're just lucky you have someone to protect you, slut." The man growled as I glared at him.

"You know what, do what you need to do." You whispered to Steve as he smiled and grabbed the guy, he threw him through the window, knocking him unconscious.
You were back in your car, heading home with Steve driving, his hand on your thigh like usual.

"No more parties." He grumbled as you rested your hand on top of his.

"Definitely not, thank you for saving me." You replied, making his face soften.

"I don't like when someone touches you, they're just asking for it." He muttered as you smiled softly.

"I'm all yours, Steve." You replied, finally making him smile.

"All mine."

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