Wanda / Abuse Your Power

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Wanda explored around the gardens, looking for any trees or plants that needed attending.
Once she was done she came to the fountain in the middle of the garden to see you sitting on the edge and starring into the water.

“Hi, sweetheart. You feeling okay?” Wanda asked as you turned around and looked at her.

“I’m just bored.” You muttered making her sigh.

“I know, Y/N.” She whispered as she moved forward and grabbed your chin softly, keeping your eyes on her.

“I can create anything you want here, just name it and you’ll have it.” She said as you stared at her.

“I just want to go back to my life, back to New York. I-I know a lot happened but the team thinks I’m dead, I want to see them, please.”  You whispered as her eyes darkened.

"No." She said simply as you pulled your face away from her.

"I had an entire life! And you just took it away from me!" You shout as you stand up and face her.

"Don't start this again, Y/N. We both know what happens." She warned as you glared at her.

"This isn't fair, Wanda please. I just want to go home." You begged as she moved forward and placed her hand on your cheek.

"You are home, my love. Maybe I need to show you again." She whispered as you felt tears in your eyes.

"Please don't do this again." You whispered as she kept her soft smile on her face.

"You don't need to be afraid." She whispered as tears ran down your face and your vision began to fade.


Wanda did this a lot, especially when you wanted to go home, she would bring you where she believed you truly belonged, at home with her.
Even if it was just an illusion she created.
You were in the small 60s looking kitchen while you cooked and hummed to yourself.
The door opened and you looked up to see your wife entering.
You smiled brightly as she closed the door and took her coat and shoes off.

"Well, something smells lovely, my dear." She said as she stood behind you and wrapped her arms around your waist.

"I thought I would make some muffins, I saw a new recipe in the newspaper and wanted to try it." You replied making her smile.

"Well, I'm sure they'll be absolutely perfect, love. I just need to have a shower and I'll be back." She said before leaving, you smiled as you finished baking.
Once you were done you cleaned up and sat on the couch waiting for Wanda to return.
When she did you smiled brightly.

"I was thinking, why don't I take you out for a nice dinner tonight?" Wanda said as she stood in front of your and held your face in her hand.

"I would love that." You replied happily making her smile.

"Y/N." You heard a male voice say as you looked around in confusion.
Wanda's face turned into one of anger.

"It's alright, love. It's just a neighbour I need to speak with, stay here for me." She said as you nodded a little and watched Wanda leave.
She went outside to see a familiar face and she glared at him.

"Leave, if you value your head attached to your body." She growled as Strange stared at her.

"We both know Y/N doesn't want to be here with you." He replied as Wanda looked at him in anger.

"That's none of your business. Here she is safe with me and I will not let you take her." Wanda growled as she summoned her magic as a warning.
She heard a noise and quickly turned around to see you starring at her in shock.

"You did it again... You promised after last time." You whispered as your mind began to break through the illusion.
You looked past her to see Strange, you felt tears in your eyes as you tried to run forward.
You and Strange weren't that close but seeing anyone but Wanda made you want to run forward and hug him, but Wanda had other ideas.
She quickly trapped you in her magic as you cried.

"No! Please, please just let me go." You cried out as Wanda looked at you sadly.

"Love, it's okay. I'm sorry I had to do this but you were getting upset again. I'm just trying to keep you safe." Wanda said as you cried.

"Wanda, look at her. You can't seriously think what you're doing is good for her." Strange replied as you looked at him hopefully.

"A lot happened to her, Strange. She went through so much..." Wanda said as she approached you and ran her hand through your hair.

"She doesn't realise what's good for her anymore, she's broken and she needs me." Wanda whispered as you looked up at her and cried.
You were about to speak but nothing came out, you knew Wanda had taken your voice.

"Now, I think you've overstayed your welcome, Stephen." Wanda said before everything began to fade again and you cried.


You looked down at the recipe in the newspaper and smiled.

"I'm sure, Wanda would like these muffins when she gets home."


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