Tony's Daughter

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(apologises if it's a bit rushed, I'm just writing in the car while my parents drive. They're visiting and I feel like I'm bloody 15 again lol) 

Tony sat at his desk, staring down at a photo of his daughter as he drank away his grief.

It had been ten years since he had lost you to Hydra, he prayed every day that they had killed you the moment they got you.

Knowing death was better than what Hydra would do to you.

Steve entered and looked at Tony sadly.

"Get out, Steve." He grumbled in a drunken state.

"No, because I know you'll make a mistake if I leave you alone. We both need each other today, don't act like you can do this alone." Steve said as Tony covered his face and began to cry softly.

Steve sighed and walked over to Tony and rested his hand on his shoulder.

"It's my fault." Tony whispered as Steve's hand squeezed his shoulder gently.

"No... It isn't your fault at all. We all would've protected Y/N with our lives, this was something we couldn't control." He muttered as Tony nodded his head.

"I hate this world, I hate this fucking job... I should never have become Ironman." He grumbled, regretting every choice he had ever made.

Steve squeezed his shoulder gently.

"There's no use questioning the what ifs, you'll drive yourself insane like that." Steve replied as Tony looked up and wiped away his tears.

"I'll find her..."


You stared into the mirror as your reflection stared back at you.

"You know what we have to do?" You whispered as your reflection nodded.

"Act like we're going to kill him before slipping him the note." Your reflection replied as you smiled and nodded.

Hydra had turned you into a perfect weapon since the day you had come here.

They thought they had a mindless puppet, but after all they had taken Tony Starks daughter.

You weren't going to let them control you that easy.

So, you had created different parts of yourself.

Parts that would listen, parts that would remember the past, parts that could fight, anything you needed.

And now was the time, Hydra thought you were going to kill Ironman but you had planned this for a while.

You had a small device with information about Hydra on it, recordings, and everything the team would need to take them down.

You would slip it to Tony and he would know who you were and exactly how to break you out.

"We're going to get out of this shit hole."


Your handler debriefed you as you sat in the jet, your face stone cold and emotionless while you listened.

You were good at hiding how nervous you were to see your father, you would have to stop yourself from running into his arms.

Eventually you made it to the base you had set up to lure the team into.

You stood in an empty room as you gripped the drive in your hand, the doors burst open and you leapt out of the way, looking up to see Ironman.

"Nice try, nice trap too." He grumbled pointing his blaster at you, before you had a chance to think he shot you, causing you to fly back.

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