Matt Murdock / The Heart Never Lies

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You felt so cold in this small room.
You heard a noise and looked up to see a man with dark glasses entering.

"You must be Y/N. Here I brought something to eat." The man said as he placed a can of soda in front of you and a packaged sandwich.
You slowly started opening it and you kept quiet.
He sat in front of you and you quietly ate the sandwich.

"I can imagine you've had quite a long week." He said as you looked up at him.

"He was trying to hurt me." You whispered as he nodded.

"Is that why you attacked him?" He asked making you nod a little.

"Where's your parents or guardians?" He asked as you stared down at the table.

"I don't have any." You muttered making the Lawyer look at you sadly.

"Are you homeless? Or in foster care?" He asked, you looked at him and started to feel a little vulnerable.

"My parents didn't really want me so they gave me something that made me really tired and dropped me off in the city, I don't know where to go or how to find them." You whispered as Matt did he best to conceal his shock.

"So, you don't have anywhere safe to go?" He questioned as you nodded.

"I don't want to go into foster care... I don't want any parents, ever again." You whispered in fear as Matt nodded.
He could hear your heart beating fast.
He knew you were afraid.

"I understand, it's scary. Legally your parents can't just abandon you, I could try and find them and we get a court case started." He asked as your heart rate began to speed up.

"No, please I don't want to go back to them ever again. I hate them so fucking much." You growled as Matt thought for a minute.
He couldn't leave you here, you were just a kid, alone and scared.

"Wait here for me, alright? I need to speak with the officers." He said as you nodded and watched him leave.
You wrapped your arms around yourself and waited for him to return.
After about 30 minutes he finally returned.

"Alright, I've handled things. For the time being you can come stay with me. I've got a big apartment and it's better than a cell." He said as you looked at him in shock.

"Why would you want to help a random kid?" You asked in suspicion as he smiled a little.

"I know it must be hard to trust someone, especially after what you've gone through. But, I swear I just want to help out, I can't just let you roam around the streets again I would be worried out of my mind." He said as you looked at him in shock.
You were a bit hesitant, after all he was a stranger.
But, maybe you had a better chance at surviving with him on your side.

"Okay, I'll come with you."


You looked around the large dark apartment before Matt found the light.

"I got the landlord to turn the electricity back on while you're here." He said as you walked into the apartment.

"I'll order in some pizza. If you need to talk about what you've just been through, just let me know alright?" He said as you looked back at him.

"I'm alright, stuff happens." You muttered as you sat down on the small couch.
Matt knew when you were lying, of course he did your heartbeat sped up everytime he brough up your parents.
For now he decided to let it go.
But, he also knew how hard it would be to let you go after this.
You were just a kid, you needed him.
He shook himself out of his thoughts before he sat beside you.
He liked the way your heartbeat would slow down when he came close to you, it meant you felt safe.
He couldn't let you go after all of this, there was plenty of room here and maybe you would brighten his life up a little.
But, all those thoughts were for later.
All that was needed now was pizza and TV.

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