Bucky - Take My Hand

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(random short one)

Bucky stood outside the meeting room listening to Steve shout at one of the younger Avengers.
It didn't seem like Steve to be getting so angry, he heard silenced and poked his head around the corner.
His eyes widened when he saw Steve had you pressed up against the wall kissing you.
He should've stopped watching but he couldn't no matter how hard he tried.
Steve pulled away and looked down at you and said something Steve couldn't hear. By the look on your face Bucky could tell you were scared and upset, he questioned if Steve kissing you was consensual.
But, surely Steve wouldn't do something like that.
Bucky quickly hid when he saw Steve exiting, thankfully not being seen.
Once he knew Steve was gone he went into the meeting room to see you sitting on the table crying.

"Hey." He muttered as you gasped and backed away.

"Oh... Sorry." You muttered quickly wiping away your tears.

"It's okay, are you alright?" He asked as you nodded a little.

"Yeah, just a stupid mistake on a mission." You replied, he debated whether he should ask about what happened.
He decided it was best, he wasn't a man to silence sexual assault if that's what this was.
"Are you and Steve together?" He asked as your eyes widened.

"N-No! No, I at all. Why...why would you think that?" You muttered, Bucky could tell how afraid you were.

"I saw Steve kissing you after he yelled at you." He said as your breathing picked up and Bucky noticed tears in your eyes.

"Please, please you can't tell anyone... No one can know." You begged as he looked at you sadly.

"I won't tell anyone, but you have to tell me... Do you want this? Is he forcing you?" He asked as you backed away even more.

"It's okay, I won't tell anyone. But, you can trust me." He continued as you looked at him.

"Steve has done a lot for me... Given me a place to live, a place to have a family and so much more. I'd be selfish if I said no everytime, he's a good man... I think he just gets carried away. Please, please don't tell anyone, I'm not saying he's a bad person or anything, I promise. I know he's your best friend, just please don't say anything." You begged as tears formed in your eyes.
Bucky slowly moved closer.

"Y/N, no mater what you do for someone that doesn't mean it takes away your consent. Steve might have given you a lot but that doesn't mean he gets to use that against you. And I don't care if he's my best friend, I believe you and I saw what he did. None of this is right, no matter what he tells you. I'll only do it if you're comfortably but I think we need to tell Tony and maybe some of the team, that way when we confront Steve you've got people on your side to back you up." Bucky replied as you looked at him in shock, you didn't think he would believe you.

"They'll think I'm a slut and a homewrecker." You whispered making Bucky sigh softly.

"They won't, you know the team. Do you really think they would think that of you?" Bucky asked as you shook your head.

"No... I'm just scared." You muttered, looking away. Bucky slowly came forward and took hold of your hand.

"Let's do it together than."

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