Bucky / Purple, Red And Grey

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I felt motion sick as I groaned, feeling hard cold ground below me.
The only thing that felt familiar was a warm hand intertwined with mine.

"Buck?" I muttered as the hand tightened.

"Right here, baby." He grumbled, his voice rough.
I finally opened my eyes to see a constellation above me that I didn't recognise.

"Buck, where the hell are we?" I grumbled as I glanced at Bucky to see him laying next to me.
I began to look around a bit more, I sat up as something dawned in my mind.

"No..." I whispered as my body stilled and my face paled.

"Doll? What's wrong?" Bucky asked as he slowly sat up and looked around.

"Where the hell are we?" He muttered as he turned to look at me.

"Y/N?" He asked seeing how pale I'd become.

"What is this place?" Bucky asked as I looked at him with tears in my eyes.

"Home." I whispered as Bucky looked at me in confusion.

"I don't understand, this is impossible." I whispered, I stood up and looked around the magical place.
Bright flowers, lush gardens, stone pathways under a starry sky and a familiar marble fountain.
I slowly walked over to it and looked at my reflection.

"This can't be real." I whispered before Bucky gently took my hand.

"Sweetheart, tell me what's going on." Bucky whispered as he squeezed my hand.
I was about to reply before a shadow blocked out the starlight above us.

"Are you two lost?" A voice asked as I looked up to see a ten foot tall woman in front of me.
I knew exactly who she was.
Long purple hair, pale lilac skin and eyes that looked like a galaxy.
She was me.

"Galexia." I whispered as she smiled brightly.

"Oh! You know who I am?" She asked in question as I tried my best to fake a smile.

"Yes, of course. You're the Princess." I replied, glancing at Bucky.

"May I ask how you ended up here?" She questioned, thankfully I was quick on my feet, something Tony had taught me.

"Well, we come from a neighbouring realm and we were testing out a teleportation spell, it was meant to be a few feet in front but it seemed to have brought us a long way from home." I lied as Bucky looked at me in shock.

"Well, there's no need to worry! Follow me, my mother should be able to help." She said before she began to walk away.
I grabbed Bucky as we did our best to keep up with the much taller being.

"Y/N, what the hell is going on?" Bucky grumbled as I looked at him.

"This is Arcturus." I replied as his eyes widened.

"Arcturus as in the planet you were raised on? As in the planet that was destroyed?" He asked in a panic as I nodded.

"I don't know what's happening." I whispered in fear as Bucky offered me a soft smile and squeezed my hand again.

"We're together, that's what matters." He reassured me, making me smile in return.
We both knew it wasn't a dream, we were both completely conscious and aware of our surroundings.
We followed the person I used to be into the giant castle, I guess I never realised how big everything was.
But, to be fair I was ten feet back then, now I was half that size.
I didn't want to let go of Bucky's hand, and I wasn't going to.
We followed Galexia into the castle as I looked around at the familiar surroundings.

"Just wait here, I'll go get the Queen. She's busy preparing for my sisters wedding tomorrow." She said before leaving as I stood in stunned silence.

"Oh no." I whispered as Bucky turned to me.

"What's wrong?" He asked as I felt tears in my eyes.

"This is the last night on Arcturus. Tomorrow it will be destroyed." I replied as Bucky looked at me sadly.

"Hey, it's okay. I don't know what's going on, but we're going to figure this out. All of this has to be some sort of illusion." Bucky said as I nodded.

"I can't see them die again, I can't... I can't see my father again." I whispered as Bucky wrapped his arms around me tightly.

"I'm here, no idea what's going on but as long as you're by my side I know we'll be okay." He whispered as I nodded.

"So, this isn't your worst memory." We heard a voice say as we gasped and looked around to see no one around.

"You were a hard case to crack, Y/N. You have so many terrible memories it was hard to choose one." The voice continued as a realisation dawned on me.

"Wanda?" I questioned looking around.

"And you were powerful enough to bring Bucky with you so he wouldn't have to suffer. You must really love him." She continued as I grit my teeth together.

"What the fuck did you do?" Bucky growled as we kept our hands intertwined.

"Let's try another memory."


I opened my eyes once again to hear a voice begging for mercy.
I sat up quickly and saw Bucky beside me, I quickly grabbed his hand.

"Bucky, get up, please." I said with urgency as I shook him awake.
He groaned and sat up as he looked around to see cells.

"Where are we now?" He asked as he saw my pale face and hands shaking.

"Hell." I whispered as he squeezed my hand.

"Oh, come on Minnie. Don't act that way." I heard a voice say as tears formed in my eyes.

"No... Father." I whispered as Bucky quickly helped me stand up.
We saw my father dragging me around the corner.
I was bloodied and bruised, crying and begging for him to let go.

"Bucky, I can't do this." I whispered as I looked at him.

"Stop! Please, I want my mother!" I heard myself scream as Bucky pulled me into his chest and hugged me tightly.

"It's not real, doll. It's an illusion, just focus on me. We'll get out of here." He whispered as I nodded.

"I have to break the illusion." I whispered as I held onto Bucky and did my best to concentrate.

"This isn't real." I whispered over and over as I tried to focus on my body in the real world.
I gripped into Bucky tightly as I gasped and everything turned black.


My body felt like concrete as I did my best to keep air in my lungs.

"Buck... Bucky." I whispered as I reached around and finally felt a cold metal hand.
I sighed in relief and turned my head to see Bucky unconscious.
I looked around to see we were in the main room of the tower.
I saw the team unconscious as well.
I heard a noise and looked beside me to see Bucky waking up.
I held onto his hand as his eyes slowly opened and he groaned.

"Fuck, I feel like I died." He growled making me chuckle softly.

"We're back, we just need to find out how to wake the others up." I explained as he sat up and nodded.

"We're dealing with Wanda, we need to call Strange." I muttered as I slowly stood up on my unsteady legs.

"Friday, try to contact Strange and tell him it's an emergency." I muttered before I helped Bucky stand up.
We both sat at the kitchen table as I tried to catch my breath.

"You saved me from reliving Hydra." Bucky whispered as I looked at him and smiled sadly.

"Honestly I'm not even sure if I saved you or if I was being selfish. I couldn't have done any of it without you by my side." I replied as he leant forward and kissed me softly.

"I love you." He whispered making me smile in return.

"I love you too, Buck. As much as I'd love to cuddle up and take a damn nap, I'm afraid we have an entire team to wake from their individual nightmares."

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