Bucky/Tony - Behind

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You came downstairs to see Bucky eating breakfast, you had heard him go into winter soldier mode last night, thankfully Steve always knew how to calm him down.

You sat beside him and smiled a little.

"Hey, I heard about last night. If you ever want anyone to talk to I'm here, we went through similar things." You said to him as he looked at you with a face void of emotion.

"I'm not like you, Y/N. I don't need to fucking burden everyone with my issues like you do." He growled as you looked at him in shock. 

"Sorry... I just wanted to help. We both experienced Hydra." You muttered, afraid of what he would say next. 

"Yeah, well I can garentee yours was a fucking walk in the park compared to mine." He responded as you stood up abruptly. 

"Fine." You grumbled before storming off.

Tonh had entered just enough to hear the last part of the conversation. 

"Barnes, what the fuck?" He said walking over to Bucky. 

"Go and apologise to her, right now asshole." Tony demanded making Bucky chuckle dryly. 

"I don't need to, she'll fucking cry about it to Steve, he'll coddle her and everything will be fine." He responded only making Tony angrier. 

"I will gladly dissemble that fucking arm I built you, now what the hell is your issue with Y/N? Because she's the best of any of us and you seem to hate her for no reason. So, no bullshit tell me the fucking truth." Tony growled standing closer to where Bucky was sitting so he towered over him. 

Bucky sighed and leaned back on the couch. 

"Why does everyone treat her like she's so fucking amazing? She's a villain and a monster, just like me." He growled as Tony grumbled and rubbed his head in annoyance. 

"You're jealous, that's what this is about." Tony said making Bucky scoff. 

"I know what she's capable of yet she just gets to fucking forget it and live happily ever after? It's not that easy for me, she's fucking privileged." Bucky grumbled making Tony roll his eyes. 

"You're so fucking stupid, Barnes. You know nothing about Y/N. Yeah, she was in Hydra and now she's here but you have no idea what she's been through. She has worked harder than anyone to get where she is, you didn't see her when she came out of Hydra. You see a happy girl, carefree and loved. I see a girl that was so fucking traumatised she would carve pieces of her skin out every night, a girl that would scream anytime anyone came close to her, a girl that jumped from the fucking tower that I had to save. She wears long clothes to hide all over her physical scars and she wears a smile to hide all of her mental scars. Y/N, is like a daughter to me and I will not let you sit here and make her feel like shit because she was trying to help. Now, go fucking apologise." Tony growled, practically staring into Bucky's soul. 

"I didn't know..." Bucky muttered with remorse. 

“Because you never asked or tried to understand. Now go.” Tony scolded him as Bucky walked away looking like a kicked puppy. 

He made it up to your room and knocked on the door. 

When you opened it he could see you had been crying. 

"Oh... Bucky. What are you doing here?" You muttered trying your best to not cry. 

"I'm sorry... I haven't treated you fairly at all. I was jealous of you, I was jealous that you got to be happy... But, I never took the time to see what was behind the smile." He said as you looked at him in shock. 

"I just really wanted to help... What we went through was different but it was still Hydra. I thought we could be close." You muttered making Bucky feel even more guilt. 

"I know, and I want to make an effort now. I'm sorry for how shitty I've been." He replied as you smiled a little. 

"It's okay, why don't we start over?" You asked holding your hand out making him chuckle. 

"I'd like that." 

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