You ran along the streets, only wearing a small tube top and underwear, you felt the cold wind hit against your skin as you winced.
But, the pain you felt from the weather was a better contrast then what you had just run from.
You kept running, your bear feet hitting the ground as people gave you odd looks.
You turned for a second to see if he was still behind you and you ran straight into someone, causing you to fall to the ground.
"Oh, shit. I'm sorry, are you okay?" He asked as you looked up to see a man with shoulder length brown hair beside a blonde man.
You stared at them before hearing someone yell your name, you gasped and got back up.
"I'm sorry!" You shouted before running again.
"That was...odd." Bucky muttered, Steve nodding before a man in a lab coat ran up to them.
"Where did she go! Did you see her!" He asked in a panic, Bucky and Steve only had to look at each other to know they needed to point in the opposite direction from where you'd run.
The doctor scientist man ran off as the two men glanced at each other.
"We should probably go find her." Bucky muttered as his best friend nodded and they headed in the direction you had actually gone.
They searched for a while until they saw you hiding in a small alleyway.
"Excuse me?" Steve said before you screamed and went to attack them.
"It's just us!" Bucky shouted as you stopped and panted.
"I'm sorry... I thought you were him." You whispered, slowly calming down.
It was only then Bucky and Steve realised how...plastic your skin was.
"Why were you running?" Steve asked as you wrapped your arms around yourself.
"He's a monster... The things he's done to me and so many others, I had to get out of there. Please, don't take me back." You begged, tears forming in your eyes.
"Hey, it's okay. We won't take you back... We saw that look in his eyes, he's insane." Bucky muttered as you smiled softly.
"I know this might sound weird but...are you human?" Steve asked as you rubbed your arm and shook your head.
"No... I'm artificial. That doctor, he created me. He wanted to make an artificial human. After many many tries he made me." You explained as they nodded a little.
"We've got somewhere safe you can stay for the time being." Steve said as you looked at them sceptically.
"I know that sounds creepy, but we're apart of the Avengers." Bucky said proudly as you just stared at him.
"What?" You muttered as Steve chuckled softly.
"Buck, she's been in a lab her whole life." Steve said as Bucky made a face of realisation making you chuckle.
"Well, the Avengers is a team that helps protect people. Come with us and if you feel unsafe at any point just punch Bucky in the face." Steve said making you laugh again before you started following them.
You made sure to stick close to them, still only wearing the bear minimum clothing.
Bucky quickly noticed and took off his leather jacket, draping it around your shoulders.
"Thank you. What's your name by the way?" You asked, following closely behind them.
"I'm Bucky and this is Steve. Do you have a name?" He asked as you sighed a little.
"It's Jessabelle... But I kind of hate it." You muttered as they nodded.
"Maybe you can choose a new name? We'll get it all sorted out soon enough." Steve said smiling kindly.
You sat on a chair as Tony Stark rushed around you, muttering to himself.
"This incredible..." He muttered looking at you.
"Part technology, part human." He muttered as you looked at him in confusion.
"Part human? I thought I was all tech?" You muttered, Steve and Bucky had agreed to stay with you and they were just as confused.
"Well, your skin is synthetic. But, your heart, brain and blood is human, everything else is artificial. I didn't even think it was possible... I need to meet the wonderful person who made you." Tony said as he looked at Bucky and Steve who shook their heads a little.
"My creator isn't...great." You muttered as Tony looked back at you.
"You didn't choose to be this way?" He asked as you slowly shook your head.
"Usually if someone is tech and human they choose to do it... Were you in an accident?" He asked as you shook your head again.
"No... One day I just woke up and that's it. That was three weeks ago." You explained as he sat back and thought.
Suddenly there was a noise on his tablet and he looked down to see there was a match with your blood.
"Your blood matches a missing body case..." Tony muttered as Bucky and Steve rushed over and looked at the tablet.
"Does that mean..."
"He used dead body parts to make her."

Marvel Oneshots - Book 5
FanfictionReader insert! 6 years after my first oneshots book and we're here 😱 Thank you to everyone who's made it this far with me ❤️ Drop a request if you would like!