part I: the beginning.

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🎵: Go Gina - SZA

Friday Evening.

He sighs as he closes the door behind him to his home which immediately alarmed his mother. She sped walk to meet him in their foyer "Maurice! Where have you been it's almost 9 pm I was worried sick." Hillary goes to hug her son who whines a bit at his mother.

He finally manages to pull away, kissing her forehead after "Im sorry I lost track of time while I was writing at the park...again. I thought I texted you i'm sorry." His mother only smiled at her son's explanation.

"You did but I didn't know you'd come home late, I was getting love that journal like it's your best friend." She points to the one in his hand that he held.

It was a piece of him. Everything he feels, everything he observes, everything he goes through, he writes it. It came to a point where he loved it and somewhat wanted to hopefully take serious after high school.

In school, he was a nobody. Was picked on but stayed to himself. A nerd if you would like to say but he didn't see himself as that. He just stayed to his studies and didn't involve himself to fit in at his school and he was fine with that.

The whole home just gave a soft vibe. Clean, neat, comfortable. Framed pictures of the family on their island tables, many Jesus candles and a kitchen sticker on the wall that read la cocina es el corazon de la casa, meaning The kitchen is the heart of the house, and of course, a big Dominican flag on the wall. There covered all of the downstairs area so people knew.

Maurice is Dominican, being born and raised there since he was 6, His mother half black and half Dominican and his father being full Dominican and because of how mixed the Dominican Republic was, he grew up with so many different races and cultures of Black, Latino and Caribbean.

When his parents split up he moved to Los Angeles with his mother and now 8 year old sister, Alaina he loved them both more than anything, would die for the girls in his life if he had to. He doesn't speak to his father and lost connection to him once he moved here and didn't care to meet him, he hated that man.

"How was school, Cariño, honey?" Hillary goes back into the kitchen fixing her apron that had the Dominican flag on it as well going towards her cooking for dinner tonight.

Maurice sets his book bag down and leans on the kitchen counter as he watched his mom cooked. "It was well."

Hillary furrowed her eyebrows quickly looking up before down at her onions that she was cutting. "Just well? Did you make new friends? Any of your classes excite you?" Her face lights up wanting to know more about her son's day besides just "well"

Maurice blew out a breath pushing his glasses back, he knew his mom was only looking out for him, wanting him to have friends and acquaintances but he really didn't make friends and it was simply just because he saw through a lot of people and couldn't deal with other people's energy that wasn't aligned to his. "English was fun." He scratched the side of his head.

"Maurice." Hillary looks over and says sternly addressed him.

"Ma i'm good, seriously. All the kids at the school aren't really my people and that's okay. Estoy bien..I did however got to talk to this girl named Adrian."

Hillary couldn't do nothing about what her son decided on doing, she just wanted him to be happy. "Adrian, her name sounds familiar. I'm glad you talked to she pretty?"

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