japanese denim.

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🎵: Japanese Denim - Daniel Ceasar
February 3rd, 2018.


Tarzana, California 📍

Adrian wakes up yawning and sitting up in Maurice's Californian king sized bed from her few hour long nap. She was with Naomi all day getting everything ready for her big day which was tomorrow and she couldn't be more excited for her friend but when she finished and didn't feel like driving all the way back downtown to her condo, she asked Maurice if she could sleep at his home which he was confused about because she doesn't need to ask. They practically go over to one another's when they're not busy and have the keys to each other's places.

The only thing was that he wouldn't be home, he was on his way to a therapy session and going to the studio right after so he told her he wouldn't be home in a couple of hours.

So, she decided to take her nap soundly which was the best few hours of her life as that enjoyable feeling washed over her, along with the sound of her boyfriend fainted sounds of music that was at a low volume.

She was glad that they've both been learning to work on themselves alone before just always blowing up at one another. They realized they used to always be with one another which isn't a bad thing but it got to the point where they having their problems.

After their night of confused thoughts and frustration a few months ago at Thanksgiving, they decided they needed time away from one another in the terms of just going to work and home and hang out when they can, which hasn't been much. Until the week of Christmas, they did see one another, which was only 3 weeks. Along with a few weeks of January.

Maurice thought if she was afraid of her then he'd have to give her space until she was ready, he couldn't bare the thought of him being the reason she could have a another miscarriage because of his own disorders and problems which was hurting him and it wasn't until a few days ago when they were back in each other's lives he felt himself again.

Adrian sighs before going into his master bathroom to freshen up, then coming out and finding something to change into because she came in casual yet going out clothes and she wanted to be comfortable. She finds one of his clothing brand's t-shirts, Black Pyramid which was oversized and spandex shorts that were hers and makes her way downstairs.

She followed the direction of the music playing low which came from his art room, slowly turning the doorknob to the glass see-through door and opening the room.

Wanting to be quiet she sees that he didn't look back or notice her entrance so she tiptoed. His face held focus and concentration as he sat on his stool looking at the almost finished painting. His jaw was clenched tightly which was a habit of his and his eyes were sharp analyzing it as well with paint all over his hands, shirt, and a little on his face.

He lets out a sigh as she slowly walks up behind him, softly wrapping her arms around his neck, going to kiss the side of his neck as well making sure not to startle him. His nerves go down with a small smile appearing on his lips. He turns in his seat and puts his lips to her own, groaning softly.

She giggled pulling away and looking at him "Hey beautiful." Maurice said softly with a small smile.

"Hi." She says sheepishly.

His whole face turns to look at her and her arms were still around his neck. "How'd you sleep? I know you needed it you been running around all day." He asked concerned.

Adrian sighs going to put a piece of her hair behind her ear "It was good. I really did need it..I just want everything well for her you know?"

"Yeah I get you, you been asleep for a good minute though. You called me at 12 and it's almost 6 and I got here an hour ago." He starts bringing her to stand in front of him, his legs open for Adrian to stand in between as he looked at her. His hand goes up and down the back of her thigh.

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