fire & desire.

353 19 11


It was going on 3 am at the Los Angeles Rehabilitation Center. Everyone in their rooms were asleep and quiet except, well everyone except for one particular person. He was doing what he normally does when he couldn't sleep, draw. Who could sleep being in one of the scariest places on earth.

They decided to put him in rehab permanently for the rest of his sentence after the judge thought it would be best to keep him in after his 4th year in jail. After switching him back and forth from jail they realized, he was doing better in the center than jail and that way he's still doing his time while getting the treatment he needs by doing community service and others.

It was still however the scariest place to be in. It was a literal nut house.

The 22 year old was counting down everyday just to leave. He was supposed to get an extra 2 years added because of his bad behavior but has been getting help from Roslyn to get him out faster.

He was missing the outside world. Wondering what trends were happening what his family and friends were up to and most importantly, what Adrian was doing with her life.

It's been 4 years without her and he wasn't getting better. He's been missing her every single day and was wondering if she was ok.

Except he did see her about a few months ago, Roslyn was able to sneak Maurice into a private and locked hotel that was a few blocks from the rehab center so he could spend just one whole night with Adrian on his birthday and it worked. They spent the whole night together with drinks and loving each other, they didn't even talk about how they left off they were just happy. They both still were virgins but both left one another not being ones.

It was a chaotic night because Roslyn had to drag him back quietly without telling anyone. He woke up asking if it was a dream or not and was confused. He never saw Adrian after that.

Giovanny and Naomi came to visit and update him on everything but he just wanted to see her again. Just to apologize and make things right but she refused, wanting him to focus on him and his problems. Which he slowly started to understand.

He just hated the fact of how they left each other. Angry with unsolved problems. She was his first priority when he gets out.

"Maurice.." A female voice intruded in a sing-song melody. He knew who it was and wasn't going to give her attention right now, it's 3 am.

So he decided to keep scribbling in his journal.

"I need your help."

"With fucking what don't you see i'm busy." He says irritatingly looking up and seeing her already across from him on his bedside.

"I have something for you, it's from Adrian." She hums which made him quickly turn towards her.

"Is she okay?"

"Oh she's fine, She wanted me to give you something.." She rolled her eyes.

"The fuck are you waiting for to give it to me—"

"Ah ah ah." She waves her finger locking his door "We went over this Chris, you do what I say and follow my rules and you get things you want in return." She goes to sit next to him on his bed, running her hands on his lap near his pelvis.

He looks behind her to see what she had, seeing pictures of x-rays of what looked like a baby. He gasped "Is she—"

"One subject at a time, you can worry about it later."

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