fight or flight reaction.

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- the instinctive physiological response to a threatening situation, which readies one either to resist forcibly or to run away.

"The autonomic nervous system has two components, the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system functions like a gas pedal in a car. It triggers the fight-or-flight response, providing the body with a burst of energy so that it can respond to perceived dangers."


🎵: Favorite Crime - Olivia Rodrigo


Adrian sighs moving her hair out her face. "Tell me when it hurts okay..." She goes to put the paper towel that had hydrogen peroxide on it, onto his freshly cut face softly, cleaning his wounds.

He nodded and waited for it to before wincing in pain. "Right there Adrian." He wines closing his eyes.

"Man up Reece." She joked lightly hitting his chest after finishing cleaning his last bruise and putting a bandage on his cheek. His kissed his teeth.

She cleans up around them while he sits again the wall in her room. They were back in Los Angeles and after the fight she knew that Bakari was the type to press charges or even get someone locked up so they fled and hid him at her house.

Bakari punches Maurice back, leaving a scar across his cheek, close to his eye. Maurice then lungs at him again. "You wanna put your hands on my girl bitch?" Maurice yells giving Bakari multiple blows to his face as he straddled him. By now there was a humongous crowd upstairs as they watched Bakari get beat up.

Adrian pleading for him to stop but he didn't listen, his rage for his dad and him was more than enough to almost kill him. Bakari started to look horrible and unrecognizable.

Just then, Giovanny pushes his way through the crowd to get to Maurice "Aight Maur you got him!" Gio forcefully pulls him away from a bleeding Bakari who was struggling to get up. Maurice fights out of his grip as he drags him out the house, with Naomi and Adrian following behind.

"No! I should've killed that nigga!" He yells getting thrown in the back of Gio's car. "Gato Pendejo!"

"Stop allat yelling nigga you got his ass now get in." Gio grumbles closing the door.

"What the fuck happened with him?" Naomi asked with raising her voice a bit to Adrian, Gio looking her way as well.

"He was protecting me.." Adrian says sheepishly. Gio scoffs shaking his head with a smile.

"This nigga really loves the fuck outta you and it's scary..Cmon before the police come cus i'm sure they will." Giovanny says getting in the drivers side. Naomi gets in the passenger and Adrian joins Maurice in the back.

She sees him slowly dozing off before he drops his head on her lap to sleep. The drugs slowly wearing off of him. The hangover he's going to have in the morning was going to mess him up bad.

They make it to her home with Gio dropping them off. She, with all her strength helps him sit into her room.

"Reece...Reece. You need to eat or drink something before you sleep, you still have drugs in your system." She wakes him who rolls his neck to wake up. His dry eyes open slowly before feeling something rumble in his stomach. He gets up rushing straight to the bathroom to her toilet, throwing up everything in his system.

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