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" neighbor crush. "

You were just an ordinary girl living your life. Music was your life, you would do anything just to listen to music. You are an 18 y/o girl with family issues. Today, you are moving to another house, again. you have your elbow in the car window listening to music waiting for them to be in your new house. You were gazing out the car window looking at houses passing by.

You felt someone shaking your shoulder, you look beside you taking off your left earphone. Turns out, it was your brother, Silas. He was kinda only the one who cared about you in your family. "Sis, we're here." He smiled at you. You smiled back nodding. the car stopped at a huge house, you were kinda shocked by the house, Goddamn it was really huge! You went out of the car and smiled at the house. "Wow..this is huge."

"I know right." your brother walks beside you looking at the house too. Your attention was on the house, not noticing your neighbors. Your brother smacked your shoulder with his, making you look at him. "What?" You tilt your head. "Look, it's our new neighbor." Your brother said. You turned your head to look at it too. You saw a boy with curly hair, and freckles, he was wearing a yellow beanie and a guitar on his back. Well? you have taste in guitar boys...So you thought he was cute with his curly hair? I guess. (PLEASE IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH FINN BEING CUTE W HIS HAIR, OUT.)

"Ooooo~ your taste huh?" Silas havign your attention. "Shut up Sil." You smacked his shoulder. "Ow! you meanie." You giggled at his response. You had your attention on the curly boy again, and you caught him staring at you. He smiled and waved. You blushed a little and waved back. Your brother whistled knowing that you like him. You smacked his mouth while waving at him.

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