ᴄʜᴀᴏs! | (bonus chapter)

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Trevor sighs as he just sat there, not even caring about the noises that is happening right now, and also you, just sitting with Trevor.

Richie ran around as Mike chased him, both of them laughing. Boris was talking so loud with Theo and it was very much of a common thing. Finn was playing the guitar, aswell Miles that has an electric guitar played. Bobert was just there in the corner, eating things.

“hahaahahaa!!!” -R

“Dude not like that, you need t—” -F
“shut up I'm playing in a electric guitar. Not acoustic.” -M.F

“Oohh chips..” -B

“Ah.. No.. Vodka! Подожди, черт возьми, зачем мне давать тебе водку? (Wait no shit— why would I give you vodka?)” -B.P
“Come on. Let's just go grab alcohol to speed that brain of yours.” -T

It was chaotic...

Trevor had enough, taking a deep breathe before yelling, making all of them go quiet. “SHUT THE FUCK UP!” He groaned as he stood up, yelling and cussing at all of them as You and Miles just look at eachother, giggling a bit.

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