ᴛɪɢʜᴛ sᴡᴇᴀᴛᴇʀ ; ᴍɪʟᴇs

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Song!: Looks better (girls looks better with a real tight sweater)

" tight sweater. "

You are you. Music is life, Your parents died, Now you are left living in this big, I meant REALLY REALLY big house. which was where Miles was living at. Let's just say Aqua is your older sister. "You sure you wanna live there too?" Aqua asked you. You just nod and he weakly smiled. "Sure sure, just behave there okay?"

You chuckled. "Okay, believe me. I will." You flipped your hair like a model. (LMFAOAOAO) "ALRIGHT ALRIGHT. enough chit-chatting, pack your things." You just nodded again.

*After you packed your things*

"You ready?" Aqua opened your bedroom door. You looked at him and nodded. "Alright, close that, and let's go." You grabbed your things and followed him.


Aqua knocked on the door. you both waited for a few seconds and someone opened the door. "Oh! you must be Aquari and You are Y/n im suppose to say?" You nodded. "Yes, Mrs. Grose." "Here...come in!" Both of you and Aqua came in. "goddamn...this house is huge." You said.

Aqua nodded. "of course it is huge. is there any reason why I worked here?" "Oh shut up." you smacked his shoulder with yours. You both laughed.

You saw a little cute girl walking down the stairs, My god! she was cute. "Oh? Is that Aunt's sister?" the little girl runs quickly downstairs walking up to you. You kneeled. "Hey, little girl. what's your name?" You smiled and tilted your head.

"Hi!! my name is Flora!" She smiled. You saw someone going downstairs. you look at him and look at Flora again."Hey...is that your brother?" She turned around and saw him. She turned to look at you again. "Yes! he's the best brother ever!!" You saw him smile at the thing Flora said.

"His name is Miles by the way!" "Oh? Miles? Huh. pretty nice name." You replied. Smiling. "let me show you to your room, Mrs...uh..." "Y/n. You can just call me Y/n." You pat her head. "Okay, Y/n! Let me show you your room now!" You stood up and followed her. "Here's your room," Flora said. Woah, it was big.

*after flora left, you unpacked your things.*

"Shoot...I forgot my sweaters..." You said to yourself. "You can borrow mines." You heard someone walking behind you. You turned around and saw Miles. "no." "yes." "no."


turns out you borrowed them. "god, this sweater you gave me is tight." He didn't even respond. rude. "Hello?" You saw him looking at your body, smirking. He looked back at you. "tight sweaters are perfect for you." You just rolled your eyes.


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