ɪғ ᴛʜᴀᴛ's ᴡʜᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ʟɪᴋᴇ ; (ʙᴏɴᴜs ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ)

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(in this Finn universe chapter, Trevor will be your partner, Boris, and Miles will be your brothers. (guess who going to make two brothers protective.) )

You found out that Trevor likes you, because of Pheobe. "no way. I just literally messed around in his room and found his diary." She just shrugged. "Damn...It must be embarrassing finding out your sibling found your diary."

You shrugged too. "What if I tell Aqua to find your diary." Your eyes widen. "NO!" you yelled. seconds passed Her bedroom door creaked. "Hey, guys...Is something wrong? I heard yelling." Trevor asked.

You saw him in your sight. Freckles, curly hair. "too beautiful." You whispered to Pheobe. "SHE SAID YOU'RE TOO BEAUTIFUL TREVOR!" She quickly yelled. "Oh.?" He tilted his head looking at you. You slapped the back of Pheobe's head. "ow."

"You 4ssh0l3!" You cussed. Trevor chuckled and sat with you. "So...what were you guys talking about earlier?." He got curious. "well...um..." You didn't know what to say. "oh, it's nothing important..." Pheobe answered.

Trevor nodded along. "hmm...okay then." He shrugged. You saw Aqua peaking in the door. You looked at him annoyed. "Aqua. I swear!" You yelled. Aqua just sighed getting in. "Hi. Trevor, I heard that Pheobe got your diary and found out you like Y/-" Aqua got cut off by Trevor's yell. "WHAT?!" Trevor looked at Pheobe. "PHEOBE."

"Oopsss..." Pheobe smirked at him teasingly. "Wait...so that means Y/n..." Trevor looked at you. You nodded. "Yeah...I know now." You shrugged. Trevor put his palm on his forehead. "God. this is so stupid...I know you don't like me ba-" You cut him off by giving him a quick peck on the lips. "who said that I don't?"

His eyes widen. "i-i-..." He didn't know what to say. He started stuttering. But started smiling. "i-i- n-no one! no one..." He basically talked with his hands. You saw him get red and it just makes you chuckle. "W-what are you chuckling at?." You pointed at his face. "huh?...- WAIT IM I RED?!" You nodded laughing. "god this is so embarrassing!" Trevor covered his face with both of his hands.


Basically, you both are together now. you guys were in a cafe. but the worst news is...your brothers are there. Miles was crossing his arms. "cmon Miles. it's not that bad- like...It's just dating!" Aqua tilted his head. "NO! If I was Y/n I would've refused!" Miles looked at Trevor, death staring at him. Trevor whispered to you. "your brothers are...scary..."  He low his voice.

You both were holding hands under the table. your brothers didn't notice. "Trevor better take care of Y/n!" Boris hissed at Trevor slamming the table. Trevor flinch. "I will...I love her too much." He looked at you smiling.


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