! ɴᴏᴛ ʀɪɢʜᴛ ɴᴏᴡ ; Tʀᴇᴠᴏʀ

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(so...this is inspired by the roleplay me and the Trevor Spengler ai bot I did in c.ai- so ye, and I will put ! in the title if its smut)

words ; 1562

" not right now. "

You, Trevor, and Your family were eating at the dining table. Until you felt a hand go to your thigh. You looked at your thigh and saw it was Trevor's. you'd put my hand into his and shook your head no.

Trevor looked at you confused. "Are you okay, Y/n? Something wrong? Is it something I did? Did I do something wrong?" Trevor said it with genuine concern, as he didn't want you to be mad at him after all.

Trevor stared back down at you with a blank stare until he realized he might have done something he wasn't supposed to. He immediately pulled his hand away from your leg and placed it on his side of the chair as he sat there, nervous about what you would say.

you'd continue eating. Trevor continued to stare at you, waiting for a response. After a few minutes, when he got no response from you, Trevor decided to speak again. "Did you even hear me, Y/n?" *Trevor said in an annoyed voice. He hated when people ignored him,

so he decided to use the more authoritative and masculine tone he usually uses with everyone. He wanted you to know that he was getting annoyed and didn't like the silence she was giving him. you'd gulp nervously and basically ignore him.

A vein grew on Trevor's forehead in annoyance at your behavior. It was apparent this was getting to him."Answer me, Y/n! Now!" Trevor said with a booming voice, full of anger this time.

Trevor looked at you with a face of anger, wanting a response as he wanted his authority to be respected. With this, he stared at you, waiting for a response to his demand. you'd whisper to him. "Trevor, not now. my family is here."

Trevor's face softened down to a much less harsh look as he listened to your response. He realized he let his anger get the best of him there and decided to stop trying to demand an answer from you and calm down.

 "I'm sorry Y/n. I let my anger get the best of me... I'll be more patient." Trevor said in a more sweet and understanding voice. He tried to give you a warm smile as he spoke, feeling bad for letting his anger get the best of him and yelling at her.

You'd just nod and continue eating. After you nod, Trevor smiles and also continues eating. A peaceful silence takes over the room, with just the sound of cutlery moving and people eating food. For the first time in a while, the air felt much more relaxing, and Trevor appreciated the silence as he let all of the anger out of him. It almost felt like the argument never took place.

You'd finish eating. "uhm.." "Is something the matter, Y/n?" Trevor said as he placed his eating Utensils down, now looking at you. Trevor smiled at her, trying to put her at ease and make her feel as if she could say whatever is on her mind without being judged by him.

"Can we like...go to your bedroom first?" You'd ask politely. Trevor's smile grew wider as he heard your request. "Sure thing! After you, Y/n. Lead the way" Trevor said, a warm smile still on his face as he spoke.

"Okay.." you'd stand up and grab his arm. Trevor got up as well, grabbing your hand gently as he spoke. "Shall we, my love?" Trevor said in a sweet and genuine way, now giving you a warm, loving smile as they continued toward his bedroom.

As both of you arrived at his bedroom, you'd close the door. As soon as the two of them crossed the threshold of the bedroom, Trevor pulled you into a kiss, wrapping his arms around her and holding her tightly.

Trevor would break the kiss only to look you in the eyes. "I love you, Y/n. So much..." Trevor said, looking into your eyes. His eyes were filled with love for you, as he then smiled at her. He wanted to express the love he had for you to her and hoped his genuine love for you would show through his actions.

you'd grab his hand and put it on your thigh. "C'mon, what's wrong?" you'd tease him. Trevor's face turned a bit red in response to your teasing, but Trevor knew what you were trying to do. With that, Trevor would take his hand and place it on your thigh, squeezing tightly.

"You know what you're doing, Y/n ..." *Trevor said, his voice showing slight hints of embarrassment as he squeezed your thigh tightly. With that, Trevor continued to look away from her, his face growing redder and redder with embarrassment at her teasing and his own actions.

you'd pick up his chin and make him look at you. "c'mon...you can't resist my beauty...?"Trevor's face was now fully red, as he blushed at your actions and words. He looked into your eyes, wanting to say something to her, but he was too speechless and embarrassed to say anything at all.
With that, Trevor simply continued to look into your eyes, not breaking contact or looking away, even with his face completely red. As he looked at you, the words she spoke began to really register with him, as he realized that he couldn't resist her beauty and how she was making him feel at that very moment.

you'd pin him against the wall. "aww...you scared, my love?." Trevor's face only turned darker red as he was pinned to the wall and you spoke to him. He gulped slightly as he spoke, getting flustered at how you were treating him and how she was controlling him right now.

"Y-Y/n! What do you think you're doing?" Trevor said in a nervous and flustered tone, now shaking lightly as he was pinned against the wall. The pressure that you were putting on him was getting to him, and it made his heart rate pick up with how he felt at that moment.

you'd lift his legs up, putting them into your sides, pinning his back into the wall. Trevor got more and more flustered as you pinned him to the wall, and his face only got redder as your legs wrapped themselves around him. Trevor's heart began to beat faster out of fear, but also excitement at the control she was putting on him as she pinned him to the wall.

Trevor spoke in the most nervous tone he has had in a while, now sounding like he was out of breath, as sweat was now beginning to drip down his face from the fear and excitement of what was happening right now. You'd kiss him. Trevor's breath grew heavier and heavier as he was pinned against the wall, as his face only turned redder from the fear and the excitement of the position he is in and of the kiss you were putting on him right now.

As you kissed him, Trevor kissed back, giving you full control over him right now as you were basically doing whatever you wanted with him. The kiss lasted for what felt like an eternity before Trevor ended the kiss and spoke.

"...I-I love you, Y/n..." Trevor said in a soft voice, now out of breath. you'd just go down to his neck, you'd feel a smirk on your face. knowing you'd get all the control. you'd start to find the sensitive spot in his neck, by kissing all over it.

Trevor's face would turn an even darker red than before, as her kisses covered his neck. you had found the sensitive spot on his neck, as Trevor's breathing grew even heavier as she kissed his neck.

The moment she kissed Trevor's neck, he started to lean more forward into her, now breathing deeply as he felt her lips on his throat like that. you'd even kiss his sensitive part even harder, making him moan.

As she kissed Trevor's neck, he let out a little moan of pleasure, now leaning into you even more as her lips covered his neck like that.

Trevor kept his eyes open the whole time, just staring up at her as he enjoyed every moment of the kiss that she was giving him. A wave of pleasure went through Trevor's body as you continued to kiss his neck, making it feel like paradise. You'd bite his neck, smirking, not even giving him any warning.

The moment you bit his neck, Trevor let out a louder moan, as it felt absolutely incredible to have your teeth dig into his neck like that.

Trevor felt waves of pleasure and excitement flow through his body as you bit into his neck like that, and he couldn't help that his breath had now gotten even heavier after the bite into his neck. While you kiss his neck, you'd use your other hand to follow his V-line.

Trevor's face only grew redder and redder when she followed his V-Line with her hand, as Trevor felt immense levels of pleasure and excitement flow through his body.

Trevor's breaths grew even heavier now, as you would basically put Trevor in a complete state of euphoria at this point, making him completely lose himself to the pleasure he felt right now.


get cliffhangered, bitch.

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