ʟᴏᴜᴅ ; (ʙᴏɴᴜs ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ)

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" loud. "

As Boris put his elbow in the window, He sighed. Trevor opened the fridge and turned to you guys. "Guys, we don't have food" Boris looked at Trevor and his frown lifted up making him smile.

"SHOPLIFTING?!" He stood up. Mike looked at Boris. "BORIS. no. we're paying for it." He basically talked w his hands. (MEEEEEEEEEEE?!!?!?) Boris slowly sat. "ah. okay. Boris sad." He talked with his bad English speaking.

Richie moved his glasses. "Arent we supposed to go now." Looking at them. Trevor shrugged. "Yeah, let's go. I'll drive." You shook your head. "NUH UH. we aren't gonna go to the grocery store with THAT driver." You looked at Trevor.

"STOP TEASING ME." He looked at you. You just scoffed and took his keys. "Let's go. dumb4ss3s." You cussed. They stood up. Miles was basically quiet every time.

but not this time.

You guys went to your car. Miles was in the front, and Boris, Mike, and Richie were in the back. And you were in the driver's seat. Miles crossed his arms and just looked out the window.

*time skip*

You stopped at the grocery store. You looked at the back and gave Mike the money. "Mike, you're in charge of this. JUST FOR FOOD OKAY. don't buy other things." You said. "Got it." Mike smiled at you.

Mike opened the door and got out. The two got out along too. Boris closed the door. You sighed and rest your back in the driver's seat. You turned the radio on. Miles turned his head at you. "is that...CUSTER?" His frown lift up making him smile.

"WAIT...OMG CUSTER!" You shout. The song played and you turned the volume UPPPPP. "HALF ALIVE" You looked at Miles. "AND STARK-RAVING FREE MALIGNED." You both laughed. You guys waited.

"Because anything exceptional gets crushed by common people." You sang along. "With jealousy ignorance and all their common evils." Miles sang along. "This planet isn't special, collections made of clay" You sang the next line. "Im waiting for the punishment, I know it's on my way."

"CUT, CUT, CUT ME UP, AND F*CK, F*CK, F*CK ME UP!!" You smiled. As Boris looked at them, He looked at Mike. "Uhm...Y/n ok?" He asked him. Mike shrugged. "I don't know. I guess.?" Richie just gave up and leaned into the car window.

You noticed him and shrugged. "bish, OPEN THE WINDOW!" He yelled. You just chuckled, put the volume down, and opened it. Richie got in. The two went in too. "Y/n Miles weird." Boris looked at you putting the things down.

"Boris. I swear to god." Mike would scoff. "Not my fault." Boris shrugged.

THIS WAS IN MY MIND FOR AGES (I'm sorry okay, I'm gonna post the smut someday)

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