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just realized I haven't done Mike yet!! (starting at mike's pov)

" Roses. "

As max gave you the roses, You just look at the ground. "be grateful im helping you out sh!th0le. Now, im gonna go wake her up." Max walked away going forward to Y/n's room.


let's go to y/n's pov now.

I use my phone in my room, and Max entered my bedroom. "hey girl, what's up?" I looked at Max and she came forward at me. "Get ready." She said seriously. "Wh- for what?" "JUST GO GIRL."

*you eventually got ready.*


Mikes pov.

you waited for minutes and there she goes. Max goes out of the room. "She's here!" Max whispered yelling at you. You slide my hand into my hair. I gulped nervously. You saw her, the love of your life, Y/n. (im so sorry bylers. :^)

She saw me with flowers. "Mike? what are you doing here?" She tilted her head confused. You walked towards her and gave her the flowers. "u-uh...so...will you be my- girlfriend?..." You looked at the ground stuttering knowing you'd be rejected.

"Are you kidding me?" She said. You knew you'd be rejected. your heart sank so deep. "Yes! one word! YES!" She smiled widely and hugged you. "Woah woah! calm down there?" You giggled.

short but anyways<333

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