ᴄᴜʀʟs ; ғɪɴɴ

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anyway, ill update as I can because. because yes.

" curls. "

You had this one best friend named Finn Wolfhard, You had a crush on him for a while now. you are both friends for years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds? I guess...

You had this one best friend of yours that supports you very well. Aqua. (bet you know it right) "damn you are being obsessed-" He shook your shoulders. "BECAUSE...okay shut up" You stopped him.

You had your attention on Finn now. He walks by with his hair bouncing. "OH, MY GOD. he's so perfect!!" You said to Aqua. Finn turned to you. "Oh- Hey Y/n!" He smiled majestically.

You looked at him for a second. "HI." He went to go hug you. You were in love with his smell. goddayum. You hugged back. You both pulled out.

You looked at his hair. "Y/n? Is something wrong?" You played with his hair with your finger, following the curl.  He smiled.

"You wanted to do this, don't you?" He looks at you and you looked back and nod. He grabbed your waist and pulled you even closer.  "woah-" You gasp being pulled.

"You said you wanted to do that..." He smiled even more. You just sighed and chuckled. you followed his curls with your finger. You smiled. "majestic..." He tilted his head. "what was that?" You shook your head. "nothing."


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