sᴇᴇ ɪᴛ ɪɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴇʏᴇs ; Tʀᴇᴠᴏʀ

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(just realized I haven't done Trevor in any single chapter, alright shitsholes, it's TIME)

" see it in your eyes. "

For this chapter, Aqua isn't your bsf, but Phoebe is. "Have you seen Trevor?" You asked her. She just shook her head no. You nodded your head.

"He must be just busy..."
You thought to yourself. You went to find him. While you were trying to, you felt a strong grip on your arm. You were getting pulled by Trevor?... You just looked at him confused.

"Be quiet." He put his finger on his lips. You nodded and looked in the direction he was looking. "You're getting chased?" He suddenly pulled your waist. "Yeah. They found out that I kissed Lucky."

Your heart sank down from hearing that. "accidentally." You were speechless. "oh." (me when im speechless LMFOAAOOA) "Well... it's just an accident so..." He pulled you closer.

"woah- calm down there." He made you look at him. "You know what am I thinking?" He smirked. "see it in your eyes."

(bonus part)

You heard someone behind him. You looked behind him and saw Phoebe and Podcast. "wtf." Phoebe cursed. "WAIT...YOU GOT CHASED BECAUSE YOU ACCIDENTALLY KISSED...who was that again" Podcast looked at Phoebe. She looked back. "Lucky." Podcast nodded. "YEAH LUCKY"


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