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240 3 0


" friends.? "

You and Finn were secretly dating for two years. why two years? you never wanted hate since you know how Finn's fans wanted him so badly. Today, you both were in an interview together. "So... I heard that there's a new episode coming out?" Basically, you both were filming a movie named "Story of Love". That movie was a friends-to-lovers movie.

"yeah! it's called-" You covered his mouth. "FINN! no spoilers!" You chuckled while yelling at him. The crowd laughed with you. Finn looked at you and put your hand down and started whispering to you. "that hand could really use other things." Finn smirked and you blushed.

"Are you guys confused what did Finn whisper to Y/n?" Jimmy said to the crowd. You heard the crowd say "YES!". "Okay then! Y/n what was it?" Jimmy asked you calmly. "uhm...it was nothing!" You heard someone in the crowd "Is it couple-related?" You looked at the crowd blushing.

"WHAT! No! we're just friends!" You yelled covering your face. "Friends?" Finn took seconds to realize what he said and he covered his mouth with widened eyes. The crowd gasped. You quickly looked at Finn turning your head. "FINN WHAT THE HELL!" Jimmy laughed. "YOU BOTH ARE DATING?!" Jimmy said.

"N-NO! WE AREN'T! BELIEVE ME!" Finn looked at Jimmy. "LIAAARR!!!" You heard the crowd say. "OOOOO!!! SHIP!!" "I CAN'T BELIEVE THEY ARE TOGETHER!!" "MY WISH CAME TRUE!" The crowd yells. You both look at eachother. you guys gave up. "Fine fine! we are dating!" You chuckled.

i got this imagine randomly HE,L;P

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