ʟᴏᴠᴇʀ ғɪɴᴅᴇʀ ; ғɪɴɴ

611 7 1

" lover finder. "

Your attention goes to Finn. The popular boy in school, you were kinda the top two popular ones in your school too. "I swear, How did you even fall for him?" Your best friend Aqua asked. "Well...Long story."

You replied to him. "Oh yeah, there's this thing going on I heard about, there was a person who can grant love wishes," Aqua said to you making your eyes go widen and yell "WHERE IS IT?!". "WOAH CALM DOWN IT IS THERE!" Aqua pointed and you looked in that direction.

You went in the direction Aqua was pointing, Gosh the line was so long. Guess you'll just go here later. You left the line.

*time skip*

school over, it was still there. The line was short now, "What if I wish for Finn to love me?" you thought to yourself. Well, let us try, should we? You went to the line, it was your turn. "Hey uh...Finn. Can you make Finn love me?"

you waited a few seconds. "I'm so sorry. denied." Your heart sank. You had a crush on him for so long..."It's because he already does." The lover finder continued talking. Your eyes widen and you blushed. "Uh...what do you mean?" You asked the lover finder. " Earlier he asked for you. He said, "Can you make Y/M/N love me?" Well, you already do." Your smile went wide. you bow and thanked the lover finder.

You went to see Finn. you couldn't find him anywhere so you asked his best friend, Noah. "hey Noah! do you know where's Finn?" You asked him. "Oh! yeah, he's on the rooftop." He turned at you. "thanks!" you ran behind him which leads you to the rooftop. "Uh...no..problem?-" He said to you. You saw him. Finn Wolfhard. You walked up to him sitting beside him. "Uh...hey."

"Oh hey Y/N, need something?" He took off his right earphone looking at you. "So I heard you asked for me on the lover finder..." You looked at the ground blushing. "Sorry...What?" his eyes went wide a little and blushed too.



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