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531 6 1

" fool. "


Still the same. Life was nothing to you without music and Him. You are in your bedroom, listening to music. eventually thinking about Finn, Your best friend.

Dear, I fear we're facing a problem.
you love me no longer, I know

There was a problem, he was away. But you got no problem with it because he had time to ft. You kept listening to music in your free time. it was addictive. But at the same time, thinking about him. You were having a crush on him ever since you both were kids. But you aren't sure if he likes you back.

And maybe there is nothing
That I can do to make you do.

As you were listening to music, your phone rang making your music stop. It was your best friend. a.k.a Your crush. He was calling, You don't know why. You picked up your phone and pressed accept. He was seen with a smile on his face. you eventually smiled too. Because you know...he was adorable.

"Hey. What's up?" You tilt your head a little and chuckled. "the sky!" As you heard him laugh, he continued talking. "I was kidding, What are you doing right now?" He put his hand on his mouth. "Listening to music." You giggled. You heard laughing outside your apartment door. "Maybe check that?-" He said. He heard the noise. Totally.

You got up from your bed and went forward to your door, confused. You opened your door and saw him. Your eyes went wide and you smiled. He ended the call. "Hey." He waved. "oh my god- What are you doing here?!" You giggled and hugged the tall figure. He hugged back and giggled. "Since I have a filming break, I had the idea to surprise you."

"Did you go here alone?" You asked him. He shook his head and pointed behind his back. "Nick came too." Nick came out behind Finn's back. "And eventually the whole- cast." The stranger things cast came out. Wait, is that why you heard laughing? Your attention wasn't aimed at them this time now.


wanna see what happened?



what happened was Nick pushed Finn into you making you fall and Finn sit ontop of you. (no dirty sh. HELP) You both blushed and stand up. "W-what the hell Nick?!" Finn turned around to Nick. "hey hey- it's not my fault you liked her!" Nick put his hands in the air. "It is kinda your fault you made them meet-" Noah said.

You blushed and chuckled. Finn turned to you and tilt his head. "what?" You giggled again and held his left hand. "You know that I liked you too, right?" You said. "I-...n-not really..." He stuttered and scratched the back of his neck. He chuckled and leaned in.


this chapter is from my mind, I meant is a dream. but it's me and arvi version in the dream!!!

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