ᴇɴᴅs ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴜs ; ғɪɴɴ

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" ends with us. "
w: alcohol, getting drunk.

You and Finn were distant for a long time...I mean, you both talk a few times but both of you are most distant. even jack is confused about it. ever since you both met you both were so close to each other.

You heard that there was a party going on a later night. "PLEASE PLEASE COME TO THE PARTY!" Sophia begs you so many times. You just sighed. "fine."

She smiled and squealed. You smiled back. Jaeden looks at you. "wait really?" You looked at him back and nodded.

*time skip*

The whole cast was dressed up and they were sitting and picking the perfect dress for you...You just sighed. nothing was perfect. Sophia's frown turned into a smile.

"what if y/n wears a suit?!" (im so sorry if you'd like to wear a dress to parties.) The cast looks at Sophia. "that would be cool." Jaeden nodded. Wyatt came along. "yeah. probably."

Sophia went to your closet looking for a suit. "AHA! I found it!" You basically snatched it from Sophia. "woah- calm down." "yeah yeah, IMMA GO TRY THIS OUT!!"

You came out of the bathroom, admiring yourself. "woah...MY GOD YOU LOOK HOT!" Sophia looked at you. You chuckled.

*at the party lmfaopoaoaso!!!*

Sophia went to grab a drink for you. She handed it over to you. "Are you sure this is safe?" You asked her looking at her. "definitely!" You grabbed it and put the liquid in your mouth. It went down to your throat.


You felt dizzy. totally. You looked back and saw Finn. You smiled and walked up to him. "Hi." You said coldly while smiling. "Oh hi, y/n. what's up." He turned his body to you. You pushed yourself to him.

"WOAH!? WHAT THE HELL!!" Sophia yelled giggling. "woah?" He grabbed your waist. "are you drunk right now, y/n?" He asked you. "nooo...I drank like...two..." You refused. He chuckled. "No, you definitely drank too many." You shook your head no.

"Anywayyyy..." You whined and "accidentally" kissed him. His eyes widen. No wonder why he kissed back. He closed his eyes pulling you even closer.

The drink in your mouth got spread in his mouth. It was a strong drink. Thinking why he got drunk too.

get cliffhangered. BI-

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