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(you both live on the same house, together and alone. you both are 17.)

It's sad how people in your social media say hate about you. They only cared about your boyfriend, Miles. They gave you death threats, sh, etc.

All of them gave you some few panic attacks. No one can help you except Miles and Flora. Flora always came visiting you both so sometimes if you had a panic attack and miles wasn't there,

She would help you from it. Make you smile and be happy as usual. you're here, sitting in your bedroom looking at the comments they gave you. You just eat your nails, scared and nervous.

"What if no one will help..." You thought to yourself. Its starting again, your panic attacks. Voices was going through your head. Your vision getting blury because of your tears coming out.

(Guys get ready, im gonna put panic attacks + overthinking sh) You always thinked, what if Miles left you? of course if he left you he wouldn't let flora talk to you or visit you.

They wouldn't help you out from these sh*t. they would mind their own business. You heard your bedroom door creak. You looked over your door and saw both of them. miles and Flora. "oh my god...Sweetheart are you okay?!"

He put down the things he was holding and ran into you. He put your head in his chest kissing your head. flora walked up to you too. she felt bad that you were having these things.

"Y/n?..." Miles said. You didn't respond and just hug his skinny pale chest crying into his sweater. "Y/n it's ok!..." Flora went to go hug you.

"I-its happening a-again...worst death t-threats than the o-other ones n-now!" You tried to talk but it turns out you stutter. "oh god..." Both of them look at eachother and hugged you thightly.

"Y/n its okay...we're here for you okay?" Miles kissed your head over and over again. "T-they said im u-ugly, and u-useless and some other things!..." Miles' eyes went wide.

He took off his phone and type something in his phone.

"hey guys. i'm just here to tell you guys that please don't you ever send My girlfriend Y/n death threats. i already know you're just giving her death threats just for me, just to break up with me and you have a chance with me.

But you don't, she will always be with me and she's no ugly, useless and other sh*t! just unfollow me if you don't agree, To those people who gave her nice comments in her recent post, Thank you. I appreciate your support to her.

I love her and you wont have a chance with me. sorry.

Love Miles."

He finished typing and gave flora the phone. flora put the phone down and Miles hugged your even more burying his face into your head. A tear went down to his cheek. He kneeled to you and kissed your forehead.

"Hey.its okay my love. Just ignore them. They're not worth it. You are f*cking amazing, Beautiful, Majestic and other nice things that i would say. I'll always protect you." Miles put his hand on your cheek.

"Me too!" Flora smiled to you. You smiled to both of them. "I love you guys." Miles smiled and kissed your cheek. "We love you too" Both of them said.

You were happy you have them.

You were always be.

SO FAR SO GOOD, THIS MY FAV NOWW. YAAYAYAYAY, btw check my tiktok its named mr.w4lfh4rd, just posted two new videos!!! ✨

(Words = 611)

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