★ ᴀɴɴᴏʏᴇᴅ | B.P

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guess who's back <333 || I just read all the other chapters, it's so f-ing cringe. (this is gonna be short btw)


You've moved on from your toxic boyfriend, Daniel. Daniel was still desperate to want you back, You didn't bother but block him. slay? 

"you block Daniel, принцесса?" Boris would sit up while asking you. You would nod and close your phone, putting it in your pocket. You'd sit with him and smile. He'd eventually puff from his cigarette.  

Silence filled the room, You'd stare at the wall, zoning in. You'd hear someone barge in, making you zone out. You'd turn your head, and see Theo. "Oh hey, Theo. something up?" You'd ask.

another minute passed, and Three of you heard the telephone ring. "I'll get it." Theo raised his hand and put it down, and walk forward to the telephone, grabbing it and putting it in his ear.

Minutes later...

Theo puts the telephone down and looks at you. "What?" You'd ask, curiously. "It was your ex..." He'd say with a disgusted look. The room was silent until Boris stood up. "punish." Boris smiled. Theo would shake his head. "No, Boris. that's bad." They would blurt out. boris would let out a scoff and grab his cigarette.

You'd just stay silent, trying to think what to do for your ex to stop being desperate. Boris would take a huff. You'd lay on the bed and sigh. "We need a plan to stop this sh-t." Theo would nod in agreement. "yeah, of course. Who wouldn't want to stop this?"


It's all in your plan, Y/n...


HEY EVERYONE!! I would say that I've been forgetting about this app for DAYS that I haven't been online here. I'M SO SORRY OMFG  -L

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