ᴅɪᴇ ɪɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴀʀᴍs ; ᴍɪʟᴇs

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(angst. first time btw)

" die in your arms. "

You had been living with the Fairchilds ever since your sister Kate worked there. You met this little girl named Flora, and you both got along very well. She has this brother named Miles, we don't know why is he nice to you.

But god dayum...He was looking like a goddess. You had your knees weak for this kind of style. (me fr) Sweaters? hot. guitar boy? god damn. You were in your bedroom, listening to nirvana. Fav. anyway,

You heard a knock on your door. "Come in!" You yelled looking who that was. He came in. Miles. "Hi." He said coldly. He sat on your bed and You sat on your bed too. "Hey... what's wrong?" He pushes you down and put his head on your chest.

"woah...Miles tell me what's wrong." You hugged him. He tightly hugs you. You felt his temperature getting hot. "God...are you sick?" you picked up his chin to look at him.

you saw him crying. He sobbed quietly. "oh my god. Miles why are you crying?!" You pulled him closer. He sobs at your shirt making it soaking wet a bit. "It's here a-again...I don't wanna lose you!" He looked at you pleading.

You smiled weakly. "I mean. It's alright...right?" You looked outside the window. "No, it is not...I love you!" Your eyes widen. "what?." He put his hand on his mouth. You chuckled. "I love you too."

His eyes widen and went normal. He smiled. just for you. You felt your body getting weak. You closed your eyes.


let's go to Miles' pov.

As I watch her close her eyes, I tilted my head. "Y/n? Y/n. Y/n!" You shake her shoulders. "no no no no...Don't leave me. please. please!" You sat and made her sit too. You put your hands behind her back. "no no no! Y/n!" You started sobbing. Again.

You just gave up and cuddle her dead, pale body. "I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you enough."


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