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Anisa August.

A name so beautiful that the woman it belonged to just had to be beautiful herself. Her name sounded like summer, or the scent of oranges, or the taste of lemonade. It was a name that you heard and you were excited to see who it belonged to. 

And for a short while, Anisa August lived up to her beautiful name. She had good looks, was talented, intelligent and kind to everybody. She liked baking and writing and listening to music - all those safe hobbies that most people couldn't get into. She helped her friends with their homework, her mom with the housework and her teachers with lessons. She attended boxing classes, took guitar lessons and practiced make-up whenever she could.

She was perfect in every way a human being could be.

But all things come to end, and Anisa August's perfect life came crashing down when her mother, Ramona, died. 

Anisa's dad had left when she was six years old, and she didn't have any siblings. She didn't really mind, she had her mother, who was her best friend. Even as she grew to a teenager, Anisa and Ramona's relationship never changed. They were best friends.

When Anisa was nineteen, Ramona became ill. Nobody even really knew what happened, but she worsened every day, and two days after Anisa's twentieth birthday, her mother died. 

And Anisa just...didn't know what to do.

Her mother just had died. Her best friend had just died. Her only family member had just died.

She didn't know what to do until she met Cleo. She introduced Anisa to her group of friends, who were all alcoholics and drug users, and it didn't take Anisa long to begin using them to numb away the pain of losing her mom. She hated doing it, but it was the only thing that helped her. Helped her to be happy. Helped her to be alive.

Anisa August lost everything when Ramona her mother died.

What a difference one person can make to your life.



''I hate moving.'' Phoebe sighed, dropping a box to the ground and collapsing onto the couch behind her.

Anisa didn't reply - she couldn't relate. She was twenty-four now, and it finally seemed like she was getting a fresh start. 

At twenty-two, she had still been using heavy drugs. She was still living in a dirty house with Cleo and her friends. She still didn't have a job. She stole money from people, and food from shops. She didn't care about anyone as long as she got what she wanted. Two years since Ramona and it seemed like nothing was going to improve for Anisa August.

Then she met Phoebe. She let Anisa move into her house, she helped her to stop taking drugs, helped her to quit drinking and basically saved her life. They were best friends.

But then Phoebe said she wanted to leave.

She wanted to move to London, to be closer to acting and modelling opportunities. She told Anisa all of this, and then asked if she'd move with her.

''You're a beautiful girl, Nis. You could easily model! We just need access to opportunity, and London has them.'' Phoebe explained.

Anisa was hesitant. Her mom had lived and died in this city, and it helped her to feel closer to her. But the city also held all of Anisa's pain and sorrow. It knew all of her secrets. It knew that she had been a drug user for all of her twenties so far.

She looked at her best friend. ''Then let's move there.''


''Nisa?'' Phoebe sang, trying to get her best friends attention.

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