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Anisa opened her eyes, and was immediately hit by a wave of nausea. Her head was pounding, and she groaned silently to herself. She put her hand to her head, but froze when she realised she didn't recognise the ceiling.

She sat up, and suddenly had the overwhelming urge to vomit. She rushed down the hall, and managed to reach the toilet just in time. She silently thanked God for helping her find the bathroom in time, but - as she looked around - this just confirmed it for her.

She had never been here before.

Anisa finished up in the bathroom, wiping her mouth roughly and washing her hands. She looked at herself in the mirror...she hardly recognised herself. She looked a complete mess. The brunette girl walked back to the living room, where Cleo was now sitting on the couch, her legs tucked up underneath her.

''Cleo?'' Anisa said in surprise. As soon as the name left her mouth, the memories of the night flooded back. She looked to her friend, covering her mouth with her hands.

''You had to stay here last night...Phoebe would've been mad at both of us if you went home.'' Cleo explained, beginning to roll a cigarette.

Phoebe. Fuck, what would she say? She had spent so long with Anisa, helping her through every relapse, for Anisa to break it...and for what? Nothing bad had even happened. Cleo hadn't pressured her...she hadn't even offered her anything. Anisa had absolutely nothing to blame.

''I can't believe I...'' she trailed off, focusing on Cleo and the cigarette.

Cleo noticed, pausing as she did. ''Stop it, Nisa!''


''You can't do it again!''

''I don't want to!'' she replied immediately, and then hesitated. ''Just...let me share that with you.''


''And then I'll stop!''

''You're stopping right now, bitch!'' Cleo said and then sighed. ''You shouldn't have done anything last night, Anisa.'' 

''I know!'' she cried, throwing her arms into the air. ''I don't know why I did, and I'll never do it again...after one more time.''

''No. Luckily, you hardly did any drugs last night, so it shouldn't be that difficult for you to stop. You drank a lot though, so you're going to have a killer hangover.'' 

Anisa nodded slowly, accepting the fact Cleo wasn't going to let her do anything whilst she was there. On one hand, she was really grateful for that. Did she really want to get sucked back into the drug lifestyle? She had so much to lose if she just wasn't possible for her to do it. 

But she wanted to. Before, she had done all that bad shit to cover up the bad shit happening in her life. She didn't really feel the high, she just felt numb. It numbed her from the depression. But now? She felt it. She felt the high, and it had felt great. She liked her life, but it helped her to like it that tiny bit more.

''I want to come back to you.'' Anisa blurted, hardly registering what she had just said.

Cleo looked at her. ''What?''

''I want to do drugs again.''

She scoffed. ''No.''

''You don't get to decide for me, Cleo! I won't be as bad as last time! I'll keep it to a safe amount.''

''There is no safe amount, you dick.''

''You take drugs and you're fine!'' Anisa argued.

Cleo tensed, and then looked at her friend disappointed. ''That was a stupid thing to say.''

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