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Anisa arrived back to her apartment, walking to the couch and sitting down forcefully. She wiped her nose roughly, and sighed heavily. Tears pricked her eyes, but she didn't let herself cry. Instead, she just grew annoyed at herself. 

Her and Kenny were finished.

She didn't even know how she felt about that. A small part of her had thought Kenny would've fought harder to keep her - maybe even stick around whilst she went through this phase - but Cleo was right. He left her.

She felt a tear run down her face, but she wiped it away angrily. She heard the front door open, and she looked to see Phoebe coming through. The blonde girl paused when she noticed her, and then put her keys on the side slowly.

''You okay?'' Phoebe asked.

''Me and Kenny aren't together anymore.''

''Shit...I'm sorry, Nisa.''

''It's my own fault. He gave me a choice.''

Phoebe looked at her blankly. ''Anisa...you didn't pick drugs, did you?''

''You don't get it, Pheebs. You would never understand.'' 

The blonde girl frowned. She was quiet for a few moments, and then she sighed heavily. She looked at her best friend, shaking her head. ''You can't live with me whilst you're like this.'' 

Anisa looked at her quickly. ''What?''

''I can't have you here when I know you're on drugs.''

''But you did before!'' 

''You were quitting, Anisa, it was different! If you promise you'll quit, I can get you through it, but if you don't...I don't want to be apart of it.'' 

''But...I don't want to quit.'' she said softly.

Phoebe walked to the door, pulling it open, and looked back at her friend. ''Get out.''

''This is my house! You can't make me leave!''

''Your name isn't even on the contract...you have to leave if I want you to.''

''But you're my best friend!'' Anisa protested.

''And you're mine, Nisa, but you don't get to do this. You're choosing to do this...it's different.''


Phoebe sighed heavily, walking to her friend. She grabbed her arm, pulling her up from the couch and began pushing her towards the door. Anisa fought back for a few moments, but she knew there was no point. She let the blonde girl shove her out of the door, and then it slammed in her face. 

''I hate you, Phoebe.'' Anisa yelled, tears forming in her eyes again.

''I'm always here for you, Nisa. You can text me whenever you need me.''

''Just let me back!'' she cried, hitting the door with her hand. ''Don't be like this.''

''I know I'm pushy, but I want the best for you. I always did, and I always will'' was Phoebe's muffled reply. 

Anisa continued pleading, even hitting the door a few more times, but Phoebe stopped replying. The brunette girl tried for a few more minutes, but realised nothing was going to change. She sighed heavily...in the space of an hour, she had lost her best friend and boyfriend.

She needed to see Cleo.


KENNY'S POV (kinda):

poison, k.kenny (✔️)Where stories live. Discover now