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Anisa arrived at Cleo's house, hesitating before knocking the door. She thought the girl wouldn't turn her away, she loved Anisa too much, but there was still a small chance she could. Cleo cared about her, and if she thought not letting her in was the right thing to do, she wouldn't do it. If that happened, what would Anisa do? Go back to the shoot? Back to her apartment? Back to her boyfriend's apartment?

She couldn't do that.

She knocked the door, waiting for only a few moments before it opened only a crack. Cleo put her arm through the door, hardly revealing her face, and waited for the person on the other side to grab what she held in her hand. 

Anisa rolled her eyes. ''How are you a dealer when you won't even show your face?''

Cleo's arm travelled back through the door, and she pulled it open fully, leaning against it. ''What are you doing here, Nisa?''

''I can't come and visit my friend?'' 

''We both know that's not why you're here.''

Anisa sighed. ''Please just let me in.''

''I thought you were meant to be with Kenny today?''

She blinked. ''How do you know that?''

''You wouldn't shut up about him last night.'' Cleo said with a small smile. ''What's happened, Anisa? Why are you here, with me, instead of with your boyfriend?''

The brunette girl didn't even know why, but her eyes suddenly filled with tears. Maybe it was because it was only just settling in about how stupid she was being. She'd been so rude to Phoebe, and had ran out on all of her friends.

And for what?

Well, she knew the answer to that.

 It was sitting in Cleo's pocket. 

Cleo noticed her tears and instantly melted. She took Anisa's arm gently, allowing her into the house. She knew it was a bad idea, but she couldn't leave her friend out in the street crying. Even if she did, she knew Anisa wouldn't go away. She'd just continue pestering until she was allowed in. The two girls walked into the house and sat down on the couch. Cleo pulled Anisa into a hug, and she began to cry.

''I'm sorry, Cleo. I really thought I could be better.'' Anisa sobbed, putting her arms around her.

''You can. You were going through a hard time before, Nisa, but you're better now.''

''No.'' she replied, slipping her hand into Cleo's pocket. She felt the small bag, and began to pull her arm away. ''It's too hard to resist.''

Anisa continue to pull away slowly when Cleo snatched her arm, holding it tightly so that she couldn't move. She looked at the bag in her hand, and then back at her friend. She shook her head, and sighed heavily.

''You'll ruin everything if you do this.'' 


''I mean it, Anisa. You know what happened with me...Kenny will leave you if you do this. I know he's your boyfriend, and he clearly likes you a lot, but he has a reputation. He'll leave you.''

''If he's my boyfriend, he should be with me through the hard times.'' Anisa argued.

''But this isn't a hard time! This is just you trying to make up for lost time! I know you didn't get high before - it was just a distraction - but this won't work for long. Kenny is your distraction now.''

Anisa hesitated for only a split second before dumping the drugs onto the table, and putting it in a line. She looked at Cleo, who just scoffed and walked out of the room, and then she looked back at what was on the table.

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